Publications by yuwenchen
chickwts example_0309homework
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
591 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
EDUCATION 學歷 國立成功大學, 護理學系碩士在學 2018-今 國立成功大學, 護理學系學士畢業 2008-2011 JOURNAL ARTICLES 期刊發表 無 SELECTED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 會議發表 Chen, Y.W. & Liu, B. C.(May 2019). Evaluation of life style and frailty status of above 55-aged community-dwelling adults in urban and rura...
464 sym
This is a beginner’s guide to making dynamic and reproducible .docx files in RMarkdown. It will teach you about the packages that allow us to easily insert APA-formatted results and tables into your text. It may not be enough to produce a fully-formatted APA style manuscript by itself, due to limited functioning of some packages in Word documen...
13325 sym R (1497 sym/9 pcs)
InClass exercise_0330 Q1 & Q2
Q1: Summarize the backpain{HSAUR3} into the following format #先把資料叫出來 library(HSAUR3) ## Loading required package: tools dta1 <- backpain head(dta1) #看一下資料 ## ID status driver suburban ## 1 1 case yes yes ## 2 1 control yes no ## 3 2 case yes yes ## 4 2 control yes yes ## 5 3 ...
300 sym R (1467 sym/20 pcs) 1 img
0518_Dates & Times_Exercise
In class Exercise Q1 Find out the number of days you have spent at NCKU as a registered student or staff person. Sys.Date() - as.Date('2018-09-01') ## Time difference of 630 days Q2 Reproduce the plot of calls for police assistances around 24 hours in New York City using the data set here. dta2 <- read.table("calls_nyc.csv", sep=",", header = T...
1086 sym R (6873 sym/33 pcs) 7 img
In class Exercise 1 Data The data consist of weight gains of 68 Asian children in a British community. Measurements of weight were recorded for children on up to five occasions visiting a clinic. The ages at which the measurements were taken are roughly to target examination dates of 6 weeks, then 8, 12, 27 months. pacman::p_load(tidyverse, afex...
2809 sym R (27711 sym/114 pcs) 17 img
In Class Exercise 1 pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lme4) # dta <- read.table("family.txt", header = T) # data structure str(dta) ## 'data.frame': 12 obs. of 2 variables: ## $ family : int 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 ... ## $ liberalism: int 25 29 34 18 21 21 26 31 35 30 ... # first 6 lines head(dta) ## family liberalism ## 1 1 25 #...
137 sym R (23724 sym/138 pcs) 8 img
Homework 1 Data management # install.package("mlmRev") library(mlmRev) # load the data from the package data(Gcsemv, package="mlmRev") # view first 6 lines head(Gcsemv) school student gender written course 1 20920 16 M 23 NA 2 20920 25 F NA 71.2 3 20920 27 F 39 76.8 4 20920 31 ...
232 sym R (8794 sym/40 pcs) 4 img
1 Problem xxx 2 Data 3 Visualization 4 Analysis 5 Results 6 Conslusions ...
95 sym
Data management # install.package("mlmRev") library(mlmRev) # load the data from the package data(Gcsemv, package="mlmRev") # invoke help document ?Gcsemv # view first 6 lines head(Gcsemv) school student gender written course 1 20920 16 M 23 NA 2 20920 25 F NA 71.2 3 20920 27 F 39 76.8 4 ...
71 sym R (1130 sym/14 pcs) 1 img