Publications by Yrian Derreumaux



The Influence of Source Consistency on Motivated Reasoning Current Research Our past work highlights the role of variability in driving biased evaluations However, variability can also arise from the sources people sample from Research has yet to examine people’s sensitivity to the reliability of information sources, and whether they exploi...

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Pundit Study 3


##Load Packages library(psych) library(readr) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────�...

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Pundit Study 3


##Load Packages ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────...

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WPT [Studies 1-3] Notebook


This is an R Notebook HTML for the weather prediction analyses. Let’s begin by loading the necessary packages. Here we will load the data set. For study 1 For study 2 For study 3 Here create factor for the predictiveness of the card patterns Contrast code condition for both studies Add a predictor for stereotype congruency show # and remove par...

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Welcome to your first HW assignment! The first thing you should note is that we are not using your typical R script, but instead something called R Markdown. R Markdown is a format for writing reproducible, dynamic reports with R, and it will be the medium by which all HW assignments are worked on and submitted. Some weeks, the first half of your...

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Welcome to your first HW assignment! The first thing you should note is that we are not using your typical R script, but instead something called R Markdown. R Markdown is a format for writing reproducible, dynamic reports with R, and it will be the medium by which all HW assignments are worked on and submitted. Some weeks, the first half of your...

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Prompt: This week we are interested in modeling social connection over time as a function of biologitcal sex for a new class of students. Let’s begin! Per usual, let’s start by loading the necessary packages and data, and we are also going to instantiate a function that creates error bars for ggplot. 1. Let’s look at our data structure. Wha...

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