Publications by Your name here

"Analysis of Two hotel reviews and Reviewers"


Write text and code here. Executive summary What is (are) your main question(s)? What is your story? What does the final graphic show? Data background Explain where the data came from, what agency or company made it, how it is structured, what it shows, etc. Data loading, cleaning and preprocessing Describe and show how you cleaned and reshaped ...

796 sym 1 img

Publish Document


Write text and code here. Executive summary What is (are) your main question(s)? What is your story? What does the final graphic show? Data background Explain where the data came from, what agency or company made it, how it is structured, what it shows, etc. Data loading, cleaning and preprocessing Describe and show how you cleaned and reshaped ...

796 sym 1 img



Write text and code here. Executive summary What is (are) your main question(s)? What is your story? What does the final graphic show? Data background Explain where the data came from, what agency or company made it, how it is structured, what it shows, etc. Data loading, cleaning and preprocessing Describe and show how you cleaned and reshaped ...

796 sym 1 img



Write text and code here. Executive summary While considering the data analysis questions, the most considerable point was whether it was possible to derive results that could be applied to hotel practice. It was hoped that the derived results could be helpful for the hospitality department that meets hotel guests in person and the marketing depar...

8877 sym Python (1124328 sym/51 pcs) 6 img

"Analysis of Two hotel reviews and Reviewers"


Write text and code here. Executive summary While considering the data analysis questions, the most considerable point was whether it was possible to derive results that could be applied to hotel practice. It was hoped that the derived results could be helpful for the hospitality department that meets hotel guests in person and the marketing depar...

8849 sym Python (9569 sym/23 pcs) 6 img

ATA_final_analysis movie review data


Executive summary Most people leave a review after watching a movie. If they were satisfied with the film, they leave a positive review; if they were dissatisfied, they leave a negative one. People who read these reviews can decide whether to watch the movie or not. Additionally, filmmakers can learn which aspects of their movie were perceived ...

10952 sym Python (9776 sym/36 pcs) 4 img

w3 project final


Import Your Data In the following code hunk, import your data. #### Use read_csv() or another function #### Make sure your data is converted into a tibble. #### For demonstration purposes, this example uses the mtcars data. library(ggplot2) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(readxl) library(gganimate) # Import the data data <- read_...

728 sym R (6710 sym/11 pcs) 3 img

Templete for final


Write text and code here. Executive summary What is (are) your main question(s)? What is your story? What does the final graphic show? Data background Explain where the data came from, what agency or company made it, how it is structured, what it shows, etc. Data loading, cleaning and preprocessing Describe and show how you cleaned and reshape...

801 sym 1 img



Write text and code here. Executive summary What is (are) your main question(s)? What is your story? What does the final graphic show? Data background Explain where the data came from, what agency or company made it, how it is structured, what it shows, etc. Data loading, cleaning and preprocessing Describe and show how you cleaned and reshape...

801 sym 1 img

Publish Document


Write text and code here. Executive summary What is (are) your main question(s)? What is your story? What does the final graphic show? Data background Explain where the data came from, what agency or company made it, how it is structured, what it shows, etc. Data loading, cleaning and preprocessing Describe and show how you cleaned and reshaped ...

796 sym 1 img