Publications by Yunpeng Luo

Determining "is_event"


Description After exploring the general pattern of modelling GPP vs observational GPP, the next step to identify the specific period when the mismatch between modeled GPP and observed GPP in each site–>focused in the markdown file step1: tidy the table for GPP simulation vs GPP obs sites step2: finding the way to separate out the model early si...

3520 sym R (661 sym/13 pcs) 12 img 1 tbl

Determine "is_event"


Description After exploring the general pattern of modelling GPP vs observational GPP, the next step to identify the specific period when the mismatch between modeled GPP and observed GPP in each site–>focused in the markdown file step1: tidy the table for GPP simulation vs GPP obs sites step2: finding the way to separate out the model early si...

3322 sym R (661 sym/13 pcs) 12 img 1 tbl

test stress function for continents--using Beni's stress function


In this script,using Beni’s stress function -for different continents: NorthAmerica, Europe, EastAsia(only two sites in Japan) r setup (1) read data #load the data uploaded by Koen df_recent <- readRDS("../data/model_data.rds") %>% mutate( year = format(date, "%Y") ) %>% na.omit() #load the data Beni sent me before: df_old<-...

625 sym R (1049 sym/6 pcs) 7 img

using updated p-model output


Description After exploring the general pattern of modelling GPP vs observational GPP, the next step to identify the specific period when the mismatch between modeled GPP and observed GPP in each site–>focused in the markdown file Here need to note that the modelled GPP are updated p-model modelled GPP step1: tidy the table for GPP simulation v...

1585 sym R (3892 sym/48 pcs) 39 img 1 tbl

stress function for PFTs using Beni's method


In this script,using Beni’s stress function -for different PFTs: r setup (1) read data #load the data uploaded by Koen df_recent <- readRDS("../data/model_data.rds") %>% mutate( year = format(date, "%Y") ) %>% na.omit() #load the data Beni sent me before: df_old<-read.csv(file=paste0("../data/","ddf_fluxnet2015_pmodel_with_f...

524 sym R (971 sym/6 pcs) 7 img

stress function for PFTs using Koen's method


In this script,using Koen’s stress function -for different PFTs: r setup (1) read data #load the data uploaded by Koen df_recent <- readRDS("../data/model_data.rds") %>% mutate( year = format(date, "%Y") ) %>% na.omit() #load the data Beni sent me before: df_old<-read.csv(file=paste0("../data/","ddf_fluxnet2015_pmodel_with_f...

522 sym R (971 sym/6 pcs) 7 img

parameterization for each site-->Koen function


In this script,using Koen’s stress function To select some sites to test if the parameter calibration works for each site–> which serve as a baseline to find a solution that could calibrate all the sites: selection crition and selected sites: - criterion: have long period of observed gpp data; from different climate and veg types - selected s...

892 sym R (1339 sym/12 pcs) 21 img

compare the results from two stress functions


compare the performance of two stress functions(introduced by Koen and Beni)–>how much does gpp estimation improve? r set up library(tidyverse) library(GenSA) source("../R/frost_hardiness.R") source("../R/model_hardening_byBeni.R") load the data uploaded by Koen df <- readRDS("../data/model_data.rds") %>% mutate( year = format(date...

499 sym R (920 sym/4 pcs) 3 img

Selected sites that both have over and non-over estimation of GPP


Description After exploring the general pattern of modelling GPP vs observational GPP, the next step to identify the specific period when the mismatch between modeled GPP and observed GPP in each site–> In this file, we focused three sites where identified with some years have gpp overestimation while some years not. The three selected sites ar...

1060 sym R (455 sym/6 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl

Full list of sites-identify the overesimations


Description After exploring the general pattern of modelling GPP vs observational GPP, the next step to identify the specific period when the mismatch between modeled GPP and observed GPP in each site–>focused in the markdown file step1: tidy the table for GPP simulation vs GPP obs sites step2: finding the way to separate out the model early si...

1512 sym R (3896 sym/48 pcs) 39 img 1 tbl