Publications by xi'an

Carnon [and Core, end]


Yet another full day working on Bayesian Core with Jean-Michel in Carnon… This morning, I ran along the canal for about an hour and at last saw some pink flamingos close enough to take pictures (if only to convince my daughter that there were flamingos in the area!). Then I worked full-time on the spatial statistics chapter, using a small datas...

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precise pangolin (Ubuntu 12.04)


Following the crash of my hard drive right before leaving Kyoto, I bought a cheap Compaq Presario CQ57 to reinstall Ubuntu 12.04 over the weekend (and have a laptop available before leaving for Australia…)  It took about one hour to install from the DVD and everything seems to be working out of the box. The only part where I wasted time was th...

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simulation, an ubiquitous tool


After struggling for quite a walk on that AMSI public lecture talk, and dreading its loss with the problematic Macbook, I managed to complete a first draft last night in Adelaide, downloading [at high financial cost!] a final set of images from the Web (plus a few personal ones, like a picture of my son’s Warhammer figurines!). Having very few ...

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Course at Monash (#1)


Here are the slides for the first day of my course at Monash University, Melbourne, in the Special Lectures in Econometrics, with a strong similarity with the slides of my course in Wharton, two years ago. (Be sure to check slide 67! If the update on slideshare works from my flat in Melbourne…) Filed under: Books, R, Statistics, University lif...

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Course at Monash (#2)


Here are the slides for the second day of my course at Monash University, Melbourne, in the Special Lectures in Econometrics, with a strong strong similarity with the slides of my course in Roma this Spring. (Ah, sunny Roma…) The first day lecture was very well attended and I hope this remains true for the second! (I also think I should spend m...

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Le Monde puzzle [#783]


In a political party, there are as many cells as there are members and each member belongs to at least one cell. Each cell has five members and an arbitrary pair of cells only shares one member. How many members are there in this political party? Back to the mathematical puzzles of Le Monde (science leaflet of the weekend edition)! In addition to...

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back from down under


After a sunny weekend to unpack and unwind, I am now back to my normal schedule, on my way to Paris-Dauphine for an R (second-chance) exam. Except for confusing my turn signal for my wiper, thanks to two weeks of intensive driving in four Australian states!, things are thus back to “normal”, meaning that I have enough of a control of my time ...

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Core minus one!


Jean-Michel Marin visited me in Paris last week and, besides taking part in Pierre’s PhD defence, we made enough progress to close two more chapters of the new edition of Bayesian Core (soon to be Bayesian Essentials with R!) This follows the good work session we had in Carnon where we also completed two chapters (although it was hard to convin...

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books for review (in CHANCE)


Among the books I received for review in CHANCE, here are some neither I nor my “usual suspects” had enough time or interest in to review: R Graphics (second edition) by Paul Murrell Biostatistics: A computing approach by Stewart Anderson Advanced Bayesian methods for medical test accuracy by Lyle Broemeling Introduction to Probability with ...

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ISBA towards higher computing goals [yet another new section!!!]


Surrounding the great and exciting gathering of Bayesian statisticians in Kyoto last June, several ISBA sections have appeared in the past weeks, as already mentioned on the ‘Og. Along with Anto Mira and Nicolas Chopin (who did most of the organisational work while I was wandering down under!), we discussed about a Bayesian computation section ...

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