Publications by xi'an

Approximate Bayesian computational methods on-line


Fig. 4 – Boxplots of the evolution [against ε] of ABC approximations to the Bayes factor. The representation is made in terms of frequencies of visits to [accepted proposals from] models MA(1) and MA(2) during an ABC simulation when ε corresponds to the 10,1,.1,.01% quantiles on the simulated autocovariance distances. The data is a time seri...

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Catching up faster by switching sooner


Here is our discussion (with Nicolas Chopin) of the Read Paper of last Wednesday by T. van Erven, P. Grünwald and S. de Rooij (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam), entitled Catching up faster by switching sooner: a predictive approach to adaptive estimation with an application to the Akaike information criterion–Bayesian informati...

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Dennis Ritchie 1941-2011


I just got the “news” that Dennis Ritchie died, although this happened on October 12… The announcement was surprisingly missing from my information channels and certainly got little media coverage, compared with Steve Jobs‘ demise. (I did miss the obituaries in the New York Times and in the Guardian. The Economist has the most appropriate...

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Bayesian ideas and data analysis


Here is [yet!] another Bayesian textbook that appeared recently. I read it in the past few days and, despite my obvious biases and prejudices, I liked it very much! It has a lot in common (at least in spirit) with our Bayesian Core, which may explain why I feel so benevolent towards Bayesian ideas and data analysis. Just like ours, the book by Ro...

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Selecting statistics for ABC model choice [R code]


As supplementary material to the ABC paper we just arXived, here is the R code I used to produce the Bayes factor comparisons between summary statistics in the normal versus Laplace example. (Warning: running the R code takes a while!) # ABC model comparison between Laplace and normal nobs=10^4 nsims=100 Niter=10^5 sqrtwo=sqrt(2) probA=probB=mat...

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Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS


Yes, yet another Bayesian textbook: Ioannis Ntzoufras’ Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS was published in 2009 and it got an honourable mention at the 2009 PROSE Award. (Nice acronym for a book award! All the mathematics books awarded that year were actually statistics books.) Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS is rather similar to the more recent B...

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ABC on wordpress


Erkan Buzbas sent me an email about his webpage (operated as a wordpress blog) on ABC. It contains different items of information on ABC research and an hopefully growing list of references. After Scott Sisson’s tweet on ABC_research (latest news: two ABC sessions in ISBA 20122, Kyoto),  here comes another way to keep posted about the on-going...

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art brut


Filed under: pictures, R Tagged: Le Monde, mathematical puzzle, R Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Xi'an's Og » R. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/...

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Andrew gone NUTS!


Matthew Hoffman and Andrew Gelman have posted a paper on arXiv entitled “The No-U-Turn Sampler: Adaptively Setting Path Lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo” and developing an improvement on the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm called NUTS (!). Here is the abstract: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm ...

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bounded normal mean


A few days ago, one of my students, Jacopo Primavera (from La Sapienza, Roma) presented his “reading the classic” paper, namely the terrific bounded normal mean paper by my friends George Casella and Bill Strawderman (1981, Annals of Statistics). Even though I knew this paper quite well, having read (and studied) it myself many times, startin...

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