Publications by WingKi Yu
Load data and packages library(tidyverse) v <- read_csv("velo.csv") Questions Lightly comment your code and use pipes for readability. Comment briefly on each of the questions, as directed. Only the the final question requires a lengthier response. Q1 Plot the distribution of spent by checkout_system. Below you will use a t-test to compare these...
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Case: Conley Fisheries
Load packages and create empty data frame # Load packages library(tidyverse) # Define n n <- 1000 # Empty data frame for 1000 simulated days data <- data.frame(day = seq(1:n), demand = NA, # demand in Rockport quantity = NA, # quantity sold price = NA, # price per pound cost = 10000...
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Case: Flight Delay
Load packages and data # Load packages library(tidyverse) # Load data d <- read_csv("flight_delay_clean.csv") # Inspect data glimpse(d) ## Rows: 360 ## Columns: 13 ## $ airline <chr> "RegionEx", "RegionEx", "RegionEx", "RegionEx"… ## $ departure_date <date> 2008-09-01, 2008-09-01, 2008-09-01, 2008-09-0… ## $ origin ...
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Project: Model Evaluation and Deployment
Notes on compiling this document: Change the information in the yaml header above: title and author. Make sure the output argument is set correctly. It should read: output: html_document or output: word_document. Once you are finished writing the code necessary to answer the questions in the quiz, clear your environment by clicking on the broom ic...
4031 sym Python (8539 sym/25 pcs) 1 img
Project: Modeling with Classification Trees
Introduction Data analysis should be reproducible, meaning: every step taken to manipulate, clean, transform, summarize, visualize or model data should be documented exactly so that results can be replicated. RMarkdown is a tool—or, specifically, a document type—for doing reproducible data science by keeping the code for a project together wi...
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