Publications by William Aiken

Data607 HW9


Introduction This assignment is an exploration in the use of The New York Times api directly from inside R Method 1. Created an account with The New York Times and request an API key link 2. Loaded libraries and used the keyring package to save my API key into my environment library(jsonlite) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─...

2059 sym R (4718 sym/18 pcs) 2 tbl

Data 607 HW7 William Aiken


Introduction This assignment is an exploration of three different file types: html, json, and xml. I am creating tables with information about 3 books I have enjoyed in the area of biology. These tables were manually created as html, json, and xml documents which are saved on Github. Methods First create a reference table of my data in R #crea...

906 sym R (2405 sym/4 pcs) 4 tbl

Data607 Project1 WilliamAiken


Introduction We given a chess tournament data set as a text file and our goal is to convert this into a data structure containing the following elements: Player’s Name Player’s State Total Number of Points Player’s Pre-Rating Average Pre Chess Rating of Opponents Method First we import the text file which we have saved on Github and con...

3598 sym R (7128 sym/13 pcs) 6 tbl

Data607 HW3 William Aiken


Introduction This homework assignment explores regex in R Problem 1 Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset link, provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” Solution Read in data from Github Create an new column to indicate if a major includes “DATA” or �...

1074 sym R (1212 sym/5 pcs)

Data607 HW2 William Aiken


Overview Five participants were asked to complete a survey reporting their feelings about six recent movies: Ghost Home Alone Pretty Woman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Hunt for Red October Total Recall I forgot to mention that it’s 1990 and these were the top six grossing movies of the year. Methods 1. Participants were sent a Google s...

1550 sym R (4440 sym/25 pcs) 1 tbl

Data607 HW1 William Aiken


Overview This is a further exploration of the halloween candy dataset taken from the fivethirtyeight article "The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking" link to The Ulitmate Halloween Candy Power Ranking In this article they explored the desirabiltiy of 85 common Halloween treats They focused on properties of the treats to see if they could i...

1148 sym R (1372 sym/4 pcs) 3 tbl

Data607 HW5 William Aiken


Introduction This is a creation and analysis of Israeli Vaccination data for Covid 19 Methods First we need to recreate the table of vaccination data create a data frame to populate with our vaccination data create column names based on the table provided create a row name called ‘Age’ covid_df <- data.frame( Age = as.character(), ...

2939 sym R (2318 sym/17 pcs) 4 tbl

Data606 HW4 William Aiken


Area under the curve, Part I. (4.1, p. 142) What percent of a standard normal distribution \(N(\mu=0, \sigma=1)\) is found in each region? Be sure to draw a graph. \(Z < -1.35\) \(Z > 1.48\) \(-0.4 < Z < 1.5\) \(|Z| > 2\) ## [1] 0.08850799 ## [1] 0.06943662 ## [1] 0.5886145 ## [1] 0.04550026 Triathlon times, Part I (4.4, p. 142) In triathlon...

5847 sym R (1258 sym/34 pcs) 4 img

Data607 Project2 WilliamAiken


Introduction This project was to explore three different wide datasets in 3 steps: Save datasets in wide format as .CSV files Read in and transform data set as required for analysis as listed in discussion post Perform requested analysis from discussion post I chose my datasets from 3 different discussion posts: I selected Parks_Properties.cs...

3998 sym R (5002 sym/10 pcs) 3 img



ASSIGNMENT 2 IS 605 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS - 2015 1. Problem Set 1 (1) Show that \(A^TA\neq AA^T\) in general. (Proof and demonstration.) (2) For a special type of square matrix A, we get \(A^TA=AA^T\). Under what conditions could this be true? (Hint: The Identity matrix I is an example of such a matrix). Let \(A=\left(a_{ij}\r...

3665 sym R (1487 sym/4 pcs)