Publications by Warner Alexis

Data 608 Story 7


Story 7 : Where Do Strategic Minerals Come From? The US Geological Survey publishes a list of Strategic Minerals ( ). Having a secure supply of these minerals is essential to our security and economic prosperity. However many of these mineral...

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Story 3 Update DATA 608


Story -3 : Do stricter gun laws reduce firearm gun deaths? The CDC publishes firearm mortality for each State per 100,000 persons Each State’ firearm control laws can be categorized as very strict to very lax. The purpose of this Story is to answer the question, ” Do s...

2565 sym R (9650 sym/22 pcs) 2 img

DATA 608 Story 3


Story -3 : Do stricter gun laws reduce firearm gun deaths? The CDC publishes firearm mortality for each State per 100,000 persons Each State’ firearm control laws can be categorized as very strict to very lax. The purpose of this Story is to answer the question, ” Do s...

2446 sym R (3648 sym/10 pcs) 3 img

DATA 608 - Story 2


Story - 2 : Can the FED Control Inflation and Maintain Full Employment I am usimng fedr package to use API to get the Economic Data for this assignment. The API is public and very easy to set up the connection. Instruction avalilable on how to load the data here # load library library(fredr) library(fredr) l...

4506 sym R (6790 sym/7 pcs) 3 img

Story - 1 : Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funding Allocation


Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funding Allocation The purpose of this project is to show if the the allocation equitable based on the population of each of the States and Territories and present supportive evidence to show the allocation favor the political interest of Biden administration. We preprocess the data set in order to add the...

3626 sym R (8647 sym/22 pcs) 6 img

DATA 621 - Week 1 Assignment


Exercises The dataset teengamb concerns a study of teenage gambling in Britain. Make a numerical and graphical summary of the data, commenting on any features that you find interesting. Limit the output you present to a quantity that a busy reader would find sufficient to get a basic understanding of the data. Solution Study of teenage gambl...

5256 sym R (17522 sym/60 pcs) 14 img

DATA 605 Final Project


Final Project The House prices data set from Kaggle( competition 80 variables for training set and 81 for testing set of possible sales made in Ames, Iowa. . The house prices data set has some missing values and we are going to replace them with zero. #load library library(dp...

5011 sym R (57281 sym/99 pcs) 11 img

DATA 605 - disc week 14


Exercise 8.8 Problems Key Idea 8.8.1 gives the \(n^{th}\) term of the Taylor series of common functions. In Exercises 3 – 6, verify the formula given in the Key Idea by finding the first few terms of the Taylor series of the given function and identifying a pattern. \(f(x) = e^x; c = 0\) library(calculus) myf=function(x) exp(x) taylor(myf,...

357 sym R (1362 sym/6 pcs)

DATA 605 - Assignment 14


ASSIGNMENT 14 - TAYLOR SERIES This week, we’ll work out some Taylor Series expansions of popular functions \(f(x) = \frac {1}{(1-x)}\) library(calculus) myf=function(x) 1/(1-x) taylor(myf, var=c(x=1), order=6) ## $f ## [1] "(NaN) * 1 + (NaN) * (x-1)^1 + (-Inf) * (x-1)^2 + (Inf) * (x-1)^3 + (Inf) * (x-1)^4 + (Inf) * (x-1)^5 + (-Inf) * (x-1)^6"...

268 sym R (2251 sym/8 pcs)

Data 605 Week 14 Disc


Exercise 6 p173 the roots of f(x) are known or are easily found. Use 5 iterations of Newton’s Method with the given initial approximation to approximate the root. Compare it to the known value of the root. \(f(x) = x^2 - 2, x_o = 1:5\) Newton’s Method define as : \(x_n + 1 = x_n - \frac {f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}\) where \(f'(x)\) is the derivative of \...

429 sym