Publications by Vinh Nguyen

Run a remote R session in emacs: emacs + ESS + R + ssh


I don’t know how, but somehow, i stumbled on how to do this. I’ve always used emacs with ESS to run R, since spring 2006 (did it on windows, switched to linux, for years, and most recently, on my macbook). I liked this because i get the same usual interface across ALL platforms (well, maybe not on an MVS mainframe, but i’ve never even seen...

2915 sym Python (273 sym/1 pcs)

Parallel computing in R: snowfall/snow


I finally have time to try parallel computing in R using snowfall/snow thanks to this article in the 1st issue of R journal, which replaces R news. I didn’t try it before because i didn’t have a good toy example, and it seemed like a steep learning curve (i only guessed what parallel computing was). So snow/snowfall works when what you want...

1454 sym R (3866 sym/1 pcs)

Cool articles in the New York Time’s: Statistics + R


so these articles are ‘old news,’ but here i am to blog it down before i forget. First article is entitled “For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word – Statistics,” and the second article is entitled “Data Analysts Captivated by R’s Power.” It really does feel re-enforcing and motivating when the NY Times write about your profession ...

755 sym

Compiling and Cross-compiling R packages for Windows (win32)


so recently i’m learning how to compile and cross-compile R packages from source for windows machines, which means i have to create windows binaries. the first option is to build on a windows system, and the 2nd is to cross-build on an intel-based linux or mac system. i will outline my experience. Send it off to a Build Farm If you have the ...

4918 sym R (424 sym/2 pcs)

email yourself when a script or a job is done


i usually run long simulations in R on a remote server. i’ve read an article on linux journal about emailing yourself after something happens…i forgot. since my jobs are long, and i usually have to run multiple jobs sequentially, it’d be nice to look at my results immediately when they’re gone. good thing *nix based systems have the ma...

860 sym R (104 sym/2 pcs)

Scheduled Parallel Computing with R: R + Rmpi + OpenMPI + Sun Grid Engine (SGE)


Recently I’ve learned how to do parallel computing in R on a cluster of machines thanks to the R packages snowfall, snow, and Rmpi. I’ve been using the SOCKET method with snowfall since together they make things simple. With these tools, I can reduce day/week long jobs to hours or a day across many (100) cores/cpus. However, system admins w...

5014 sym R (1388 sym/8 pcs)

using R + ess-remote with screen in emacs


Dear list, I brought up this issue before but a good solution never arised: being able to use screen on a remote server (so if something goes wrong on my side I can always resume that R session) inside of emacs in order to utilize ESS. The closest thing I found to a good work flow was to use ansi-term or multi-term and copying and pasting code i...

2439 sym R (323 sym/2 pcs)

Managing a statistical analysis project – guidelines and best practices


Had to share this link today as I better read all the content it refers to and incorporate a lot of the recommended practices into my work flow. Thanks Tal Galili for compiling all those information. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Super Nerdy Cool » R. offers dail...

604 sym

S4 classes in R: printing function definition and getting help


I’m not very familiar with S4 classes and methods, but I assume it’s the recommended way to write new packages since it is newer than S3; this of course is open to debate. I’ll outline my experience of programming with S4 classes and methods in a later post, but in the mean time, I want to write down some notes on how to get help (via ? in ...

2287 sym R (537 sym/2 pcs)

Creating even NICER, publishable, embeddable plots using tikzDevice in R for use with LaTeX


It’s true. I like to do my work in R and write using LaTeX (well, I prefer to use org-mode for less formal writing and/or if I don’t have to typeset a lot of math). I haven’t done a lot of LaTeX’ing or Sweaving in the last year since 1) I’ve been collaborating with scientists (stuck using Word) and 2) my simulations in R have been a lit...

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