Publications by VIctor H Torres

Assignment 1


Assignment 1 OUr task is to bring a dataframe into R. I choose the 2022 World Cup Predictions database. this dataframe will include a set of predictions of all the matches of the FIFA 2022 world cup. Some of the columns in the dataframe are: -Date -league ID -League -team1 -team2 -probabilities, and projections -Scores wc_matches <- read.csv("C...

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library(tidyverse) library(openintro) data('arbuthnot', package='openintro') Exercise 1 arbuthnot$girls ## [1] 4683 4457 4102 4590 4839 4820 4928 4605 4457 4952 4784 5332 5200 4910 4617 ## [16] 3997 3919 3395 3536 3181 2746 2722 2840 2908 2959 3179 3349 3382 3289 3013 ## [31] 2781 3247 4107 4803 4881 5681 4858 4319 5322 5560 5829 5719 6061 61...

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