Publications by vboyce

flowers post test


After the game, participants were asked what they would call each flower to their partners for all the flowers they saw (in language conditions) and 4 other flowers from a different colorway (in lang & non-lang conditions). There’s no difference within groups that used language – they show usually short names for the flowers they saw and the ...

678 sym 1 img 4 tbl

GT 2x2


TODO notes: get empirica time recording to behave (grumble) read feedback Study 1 notes 2x2 study of BoS vs PD crossed with chat or no-chat. All did 40 trials. All did a 3 minute “turing-test” free chat at the start. Run Jan 7. Target was 20 pairs in each condition. Pre-reg According to, the analyses I’m going to do:...

2793 sym R (957 sym/5 pcs) 12 img 1 tbl

6p rotate v no rotate


Much prep(rocessing) How many games ## # A tibble: 1 x 3 ## # Groups: numPlayers [1] ## numPlayers complete partial ## <dbl> <int> <int> ## 1 6 15 3 How long full games took ## # A tibble: 1 x 7 ## numPlayers games min_time `25th_time` median_time `75th_time` max_time ## <dbl> <int> <dbl> <db...

868 sym R (4999 sym/5 pcs) 16 img

GTL: study 2


Future notes: would be better to have game type coded as “gametype” to avoid namespace collision TODO: trends over game time! TODO: transcript reading TODO: game time & feedback Pre-process Read data Summary of expts All expts reported here are from pairs of participants who played 40 rounds of a game-theory type game. At the start, each ...

2569 sym R (297 sym/1 pcs) 8 img