Publications by USER
Fixed Effect Model for SNP effects
# Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values, Raphael Mrode, 3rd Edition # Fixed Effect Model for SNP effects # Date : 2020-11-11 # Julius Mugambe # Clear workspace rm(list = ls()) #set working direction setwd('K:/R-MME') # Paste working directory getwd() ## [1] "K:/R-MME" # Load data # The observations are Daughter Y...
11 sym R (2966 sym/5 pcs)
Linear regression
# Clear workspace rm(list = ls()) # Set working directory setwd("J:/Sungjin_Pig_Data/Sungjin_Pig_Data_analysis") # load data files #Phenotype file phenotypes <- read.table("Pheno.txt") colnames(phenotypes) <- c("ARN","SSIRE", "TBATCH", "RBATCH","SEX","PAR", "MPAR", "TAGE","BWT","ADGW","ADGP","BF2","D90kg","BF1","...
20 sym R (15255 sym/14 pcs)
Random Number Generators
# RNG (random number generators) # install.packages("MCMCpack") require(MCMCpack) ## Loading required package: MCMCpack ## Loading required package: coda ## Loading required package: MASS ## ## ## ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack) ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park ## ## ## ## Suppor...
15 sym R (1186 sym/9 pcs)
A matrix and design matrix functions
# Single Trait Animal Model - Date : 2020-11-11 # Reliability, Accuracy and Standard Error Prediction # Partitioning Breeding Values (PA, PC, YD) # Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values, Raphael Mrode, 3rd Edition #Julius Mugambe # install.packages('MASS', dependencies = TRUE) library(MASS) # make design matrix ...
7 sym R (2373 sym/1 pcs)
South Korea LGBTQ organizations network change
참고 싸이트 속성값 넣기 Figure1 1990년대 (기본형) mynetwork1990 %>% ggraph(layout = "nicely") + theme_graph() + geom_edge_link(aes(lty = ifelse(weight ==...
410 sym R (5183 sym/7 pcs) 6 img
South Korea LGBTQ organizations network
getwd() ## [1] "C:/RRR/network" setwd("C:/RRR/network") load("C:/RRR/network/network.RData") library(tidygraph) ## ## Attaching package: 'tidygraph' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter library(ggraph) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 library(igraph) ## ## Attaching package: 'igraph' ## The follow...
576 sym R (18793 sym/44 pcs) 13 img
KGSS 08, 13, 18년 Data Cleaning (+ imputation)
1. Raw Data 준비 Raw Data 다운 받은 뒤 08, 13, 18년 3개년 데이터만 따로 빼기: Spss -> data -> 케이스 선택: 08, 13, 18년 2. sav 파일을 csv 파일로 변환한 뒤 R로 불러오기 library(haven) #sav 파일 읽어오기 kgssdata <- read_sav("C:/RRR/kgss/kgss_raw_data/kgss_08_13_18_rawdata.sav") #읽어온 file1.sav...
3183 sym R (92424 sym/446 pcs) 139 img
2020 영진위 Data Cleaning
1 저장위치 파악 getwd() #현재 워킹 디렉토리 확인 ## [1] "C:/RRR/movie" setwd("C:/RRR/movie") #향후 워킹 디렉토리 설정 2 Raw Data 불러오기 1. spss 데이터를 csv 파일로 변환한 뒤 저장하기 library(haven) moviedata <- read_sav("C:/RRR/movie/moviedata.sav") #sav 파일 읽어오기 write.table(moviedata, ...
1492 sym R (19562 sym/142 pcs) 2 img
'비규범적' 성관계에 대한 종교인들의 태도(210314)
키보드를 샀다. 노트북 거치대를 사용하면서 노트북 자판을 기울인 채로 타자를 치다보니 손목이 아파서… 큰 맘 먹고 돈을 좀 주고 키보드를 바꿨다. 막상 써보니깐 왜 그동안 나는 바보같이 이 구매를 미뤄왔나 싶다. 어떻게든 이 키보드를 더 두들기고 싶어서 �...
2281 sym R (13073 sym/53 pcs) 13 img 1 tbl
Determining the best-fit model using ANOVA in R
data_new <- read.table("/media/julius/059A-28F0/Sungjin/M_BWT02_YM/data_new.txt", quote="\"", comment.char="") data <- data.frame(data_new[,2:12]) colnames(data) <- c("ARN","SIRE", "DAM","SSIRE","SEX","year","BD","RBATCH","MPAR","TAGE","BWT") # required packages # install.packages(c("ggplot2", "ggpubr", "tidyverse", "broom", "AICcmodavg")) #...
40 sym R (117301 sym/31 pcs) 6 img