Publications by Trent Biggs
Exercise 7. Q-C plots
In this Exercise you will Load water quality data Plot Q-C relationships Use power functions to quantify the Q-C relationships Plot discharge data on the plot to determine hydrological conditions at time of sampling 0. Water quality data The water quality data have been downloaded and formatted for you. Water quality data can be downloaded fro...
2748 sym 5 img
Ex4 R and rainfall analysis
I. Introductory commands Some important commands are listed below. The . indicate blanks where you would fill in missing info. ?... # Loads help files for a specific command ?getwd # Loads help files for "getwd" ??getwd # Searches for the word "getwd" in all the help files setwd("C:\m...
5497 sym R (8970 sym/42 pcs) 11 img
In this exercise, you will: - read USGS streamflow data into R - calculate monthly discharge - calculate runoff coefficients I. Load the libraries you’ll need. The USGS has a website dedicated to the dataRetrieval package: There are packages for streamflow and water quality data retrieval and ana...
3597 sym R (6669 sym/24 pcs) 9 img
Exercise 9: Tabulate areas of raster using stars and sf
This Exercise will introduce you to reading vector and raster data into R, and tabulating raster areas using a vector (watershed boundary). For more information on spatial analysis in R, see: Focus on sf and stars (the new raster package): ...
3426 sym R (10952 sym/39 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Ex 5: annual water balance v2
In this exercise, you will: - read USGS streamflow data into R - calculate monthly discharge - calculate runoff coefficients 0. Load the libraries you’ll need. The USGS has a website dedicated to R: There are packages for streamflow and water quality data retrieval and analysis. Here, we install and use the dataRetrie...
3558 sym R (6735 sym/24 pcs) 9 img
Exercise 4: Daily rainfall data analysis
I. Introductory commands Some important commands are listed below. The . indicate blanks where you would fill in missing info. ?... # Loads help files for a specific command ?getwd # Loads help files for "getwd" ??getwd # Searches for the word "getwd" in all the help files setwd("C:\m...
4015 sym R (6753 sym/35 pcs) 6 img
Manta Calibration Analysis 2023-05
This document analyses the calibration logs for 4 manta sondes owned by SDSU, calibration dates 2019-2022. 5259: IBWC sonde 3594: Mission Trails 4105: Tijuana Estuary Boca Rio 4104: Backup / lab sonde TRYP 100ppb TRYP 4105 (main Boca Rio sonde) quite stable. 4104 (spare), stable except for one low value 5259 (IBWC) had high initial values, set...
1151 sym 5 img
IBWC recal 2023-02-24 to 2023-03-08
Read in IBWC Manta time series, 2023_02_24_to_2023_03_08_ibwc_5259_direct_download.csv, calibration logs, back-calibrate RV values, and recalculate TRYP and CDOM values from the RV values and a “stable” calibration based on long-term mean RV-TYRP values for the IBWC sonde (SN 5259). Field names are different between wqdatalive and direct do...
1835 sym 18 img
Boca Rio Sample Events comparison 2021-2022
Load data from three events: 2021-11-10 to 2021-11-11: Dry weather no cross border flow 2022-03-03 to 2022-03-04: Dry weather, cross border flow 2022-09-09 to 2022-09-10: Wet weather, stormflow Plot each time period in a single plot to compare. Vertical blue lines indicate the start and end of the autosampler collections. Turbidity is low for 11/...
1071 sym 6 img
Boca Rio Manta recalibration 2022-08 to 2022-09
Read in Boca Rio Manta time series, 2022-08-12 to 2022-09-30, calibration logs, back-calibrate RV values, and recalculate TRYP and CDOM values from the RV values and a “stable” calibration based on long-term mean RV-TYRP values for the Boca Rio sonde (SN 4105). Read in Boca Rio Manta data ## Date.time Temperature pH ORP Depth ...
1455 sym Python (4079 sym/9 pcs) 24 img