Publications by Tora Mullings
Kickstarter Projects SVM Introduction Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that hosts details of projects whose founders seek funding. The public can view projects and decide to donate money towards helping them reach their funding goal. On Kaggle, there is a data set of over 370K rows and 11 columns with details about Kickstarter projects....
823 sym R (11385 sym/26 pcs)
Introduction Kickstarter is an online platform that hosts details of projects whose founders seek funding. The public can view projects and decide to donate money towards helping them reach their funding goal. On Kaggle, there is a data set of over 370K rows and 11 columns with details about Kickstarter projects. Our first goal is to build a cl...
1620 sym R (16332 sym/39 pcs) 4 img
DATA 622 HW 1: Exploratory Analysis (Redo)
Results Kickerstarter Projects: Exploratory Analysis Introduction What makes a Kickstarter more likely to reach its funding goal? This data set from Kaggle contains features describing over 370K Kickstarter Projects and includes the state of each one. Which model can predict whether a project succeeded? library(e1071) library(lubridate) lib...
4741 sym R (12959 sym/40 pcs) 4 img
Results Mental Health Issues in Comments: Exploratory Analysis Introduction Our personal sentiments on a subject are sometimes conveyed through the vernacular we use in writing. How does the language we use reveal thought patterns or life outlooks? In what way are words with a negative sentiment indicative of an underlying mental health issue?...
7035 sym R (11754 sym/48 pcs) 4 img
Exploratory Analysis
Results Mental Health Issues in Comments: Exploratory Analysis Introduction Our personal sentiments on a subject are sometimes conveyed through the vernacular we use in writing. How does the language we use reveal thought patterns or life outlooks? In what way are words with a negative sentiment indicative of an underlying mental health issue?...
7061 sym R (11754 sym/48 pcs) 4 img
Count Regression - Wine Business Dataset
Background Given a set of metrics describing the quality of different wines, can we predict the number of sales of each wine? Since the target is a count response variable, we will build models appropriate for count regression. After evaluating our set of models, we will select the best one and predict the number of sales in a wine data set t...
10303 sym R (71548 sym/71 pcs) 18 img 2 tbl
Multiple Linear Regression
Background Given a set of professional baseball teams and their performance metrics for a 162-game season, how can we build a model that can be used to predict the number of wins for each team? The data set contains metrics of teams from 1871 to 2006. The assignment description can be found here. Data Exploration library(tidyverse) library(...
3413 sym R (6616 sym/5 pcs) 6 img 1 tbl
Final - R Bridge
Dataset source: Question How did the number of teachers, number of computers, district average income, and other factors affect the reading and math test scores of 5th grade students in California school districts in 1998 and 1999? library(ggplot2) library(corrplot) ## corrp...
1565 sym R (7159 sym/27 pcs) 6 img
HW1 - R Bridge
Question 1 # Question 1: Write a loop that calculates 13-factorial. #Bonus - try to do it two different ways (for example #use a for loop and a while loop). Do not use the standard factorial function. The goal is to learn #about how R uses loops. # For-loop version: a<-1 for (i in 1:13) { a<-a*i } print(a) ## [1] 6227020800 #While-l...
51 sym R (1050 sym/7 pcs)
HW2 - R Bridge
1 Read in the CSV file, summarize, mean + median. #filename<-"hw2/transplant.csv" filename<-"" df<-read.csv(file=filename) head(df, n=5L) ## X age sex abo year futime event ## 1 1 47 m B 1994 1197 death ## 2 2 55 m A 1991 28 ltx ## 3 3 ...
904 sym R (2977 sym/41 pcs)