Publications by TJLee
1 Exercise 1 1.1 load and see library(ggplot2) # input data dta <- read.table("D:/sheu/brightness.txt", h=T) # head(dta) ## Stimulus Intensity Trial Yes ## 1 1 10 49 2 ## 2 2 20 48 3 ## 3 3 30 48 13 ## 4 4 40 50 31 ## 5 5 50 47 38 ## 6 ...
1746 sym R (10933 sym/67 pcs) 5 img
1 Homewok 1 1.1 load and see #讀資料 dta <- read.table('married.txt', header = T) #顯示前六筆,看資料結構 head(dta) ## 教育 性別 婚姻 年齡 ## 1 國小以下 女 未婚 32.5 ## 2 專科 男 有偶 57.5 ## 3 國中 男 有偶 42.5 ## 4 國小以下 男 有偶 42.5 ## 5 高中 女 喪偶 6...
526 sym R (38040 sym/108 pcs) 8 img
1 Exercise 1 1.1 load and see # load packages pacman::p_load(tidyverse, MASS, pscl) # input data dta <- read.table("bullying.txt", h=T) # first 6 lines head(dta) ## Score Nomination ## 1 1.56 0 ## 2 1.56 0 ## 3 1.11 0 ## 4 1.56 0 ## 5 1.22 4 ## 6 1.33 0 # check data struc...
1672 sym R (16162 sym/78 pcs) 7 img
1 Exercise 1 1.1 load and see # set digit and stars options options(digits = 4, show.signif.stars = FALSE) # regular contrast polarity (i.e., black on white) dta1 <- read.table("mnread0.txt", header = T) str(dta1) ## 'data.frame': 670 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ ID : chr "S101" "S101" "S101" "S101" ... ## $ pSize: num 0 0.1 0.2 0....
978 sym R (22913 sym/86 pcs) 25 img
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Tutorial ## Nonlinear mixed models ### 李唐榮 & 童宜箏 ### 2020-12-15 --- ## Introduction ### {lcmm} Latent class mixed-effect models ### {gamm4} Generalized additive mixed models --- ### Time intensity curves .pull-left[ ```r dta1 <- read.table("time_intensity.txt", h...
7234 sym
############################################################################################################ # Loading the first data set for testing. ############################################################################################################ myd<-read.csv("Simulated Choice data revised simplified.dat") # Wileyto analysis ...
70 sym R (22212 sym/54 pcs) 10 img
Aclass <- c(11,16,19,18,20,23,19,21,24,29) Bclass <- c(23,26,34,29,33,27,23,36,30,40) plot(Aclass, Bclass) abline(lm(Bclass~Aclass),col="blue") 體重 <-c(175, 176, 173, 175, 174, 173, 173, 176, 173, 179 ...
64 sym R (148 sym/1 pcs) 1 img
library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(leaflet) m <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(lng=120.219722, lat=22.996...
12 sym R (666 sym/5 pcs)