Publications by Tiangeng Lu
Trends of Legislative Status 2011-2020
Search Link Legislative Status HR3012 11/29/2011 Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 389 - 15 (Roll no. 860).(text: CR H7903) 11/18/2011 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Judiciary. H. Rept. 112-292. 09/22/2011 Introduced in House S1857 1...
2768 sym R (15559 sym/42 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl
Hashtag Networks S386 Passed Senate
S.386 passed Senate - 12/2/2020 This script helps visualize the hashtag co-occurrence networks of any given time range (e.g., 14 days interval). The network ties represent hashtag co-occurrences in a tweet. The colors of ties represent the policy position (either a supporter or an opponent) of the Twitter user. Preparation—Set Time Range Data...
625 sym R (8807 sym/44 pcs) 3 img
Skilled Immigrants Bill Twitter Network Analyses_2017
1 Preparation 2021-12-06 00:00:13 This R markdown script logs the policy actor network analyses by year (2017-2020). The analyses are based on two pre-made data frames: (1) df_actor that includes actor attributes and (2) df, a 32-column data frame that includes activities only by policy actors. 1.1 Data Import library(rtweet) library(igraph) li...
2886 sym R (69800 sym/385 pcs) 10 img 1 tbl
R Web Scraping Demonstration
A demonstration of scraping a table with embedded urls from the U.S. Department of Education web page library(tidyverse) library(rvest) # R package that does web scraping start.time = Sys.time() A screenshot of the targeted web page and its elements (press F12) Sample Web Page from ED2 <- read_html("
255 sym R (10263 sym/18 pcs) 1 img
Matching Multiple Patterns & N-grams Text Mining Using R base
Background & Data: It’s an ongoing research project of a systematic literature review. Text data were article titles and abstracts that contain key terms of interest downloaded from Web of Science. In this demonstration, I will show how to extract the combined frequency table of individual words and n-grams. I mostly rely R base commands....
2077 sym R (8179 sym/7 pcs)
Policy Actors Twitter Network Summary
This Rmarkdown script: Policy Actors Twitter Network Summary 2017-2020.Rmd" Observations Most ties were mentions. Mention networks were the less modulized than the retweet, reply, and quote networks. Retweet networks shown the strongest homophily effect. Very few actors retweeted from their enemies. In 2018, 2019, and 2020, the supporters had h...
1625 sym R (7052 sym/67 pcs) 2 tbl
Hashtag Co-Occurrence Networks
This script helps visualize the hashtag co-occurrence networks of any given time range (e.g., 14 days interval). The network ties represent hashtag co-occurrences in a tweet. The colors of ties represent the policy position (either a supporter or an opponent) of the Twitter user. Preparation—Set Time Range Data Set the time range of investigat...
600 sym R (9635 sym/52 pcs) 4 img
Hashtag Co-Occurrence Networks
H.R. 1044 passed/agreed to in House on 07/10/2019. This script helps visualize the hashtag co-occurrence networks of any given time range (e.g., 14 days interval). The network ties represent hashtag co-occurrences in a tweet. The colors of ties represent the policy position (either a supporter or an opponent) of the Twitter user. Preparation—...
645 sym R (9532 sym/44 pcs) 4 img
Hashtag Networks
S.386 Debate - 7/21/20 This script helps visualize the hashtag co-occurrence networks of any given time range (e.g., 14 days interval). The network ties represent hashtag co-occurrences in a tweet. The colors of ties represent the policy position (either a supporter or an opponent) of the Twitter user. Preparation—Set Time Range Data Set the ...
618 sym R (9573 sym/45 pcs) 4 img
How to Read SPSS Files in R
This tutorial shows: Import .sav SPSS files to R Read variable attributes from the SPSS “variable view” table Organize the variable coding to data frames Fix reverse coding in survey data Best-subset regression Import SPSS files (.sav) to R GunControl.Rmd Sample data: GunControl is a survey data set with about 1500 observations and 58 colum...
934 sym R (11600 sym/26 pcs) 2 img