Publications by Thanga mari
Analysis of student peformance data
Students Performance The purpose of this analysis is to uncover the key factors influencing student performance, as measured by their exam scores. The dataset used includes several variables such as hours studied, attendance, sleep hours, and previous scores, alongside demographic factors like gender, parental involvement, and family income. T...
5250 sym 8 img
Global Education analysis
GLOBAL EDUCATIONAL ANALYSIS Education is a cornerstone of societal development, and literacy rates, educational proficiency, and employment trends offer a lens through which we can understand global progress. This analysis aims to explore key aspects of global education, with a focus on selected countries, to uncover patterns and correlations t...
4161 sym 6 img
SQL Basics Query
Introduction This document demonstrates how to execute SQL queries and display their results in R Markdown. We will use the SQL queries to create and manage tables. library(DBI) library(RSQLite) ## Warning: package 'RSQLite' was built under R version 4.4.2 # Create a SQLite connection (you can replace this with a MySQL connection if needed) con...
477 sym R (3173 sym/27 pcs)
Stock Data analysis using R Studio
Analyzing AAPL and MSFT Stock Performance In our journey to understand the performance of AAPL and MSFT stocks over the past few years, we started by collecting the stock price data for both companies from Yahoo Finance. With this data in hand, we were ready to dive deep into the financial metrics that drive stock performance. The first thing ...
3306 sym Python (3874 sym/14 pcs)
Iris data analysis using ggplot2 and correlation
##About this data The Iris dataset is one of the most famous and widely used datasets in data science and machine learning. It was introduced by the British statistician and biologist Ronald A. Fisher in 1936 as part of his paper “The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems.” The dataset is simple yet rich, making it perfect for ...
790 sym R (2618 sym/18 pcs) 4 img
Plotly package analysis
About Plotly Plotly is a powerful interactive visualization library that allows users to create web-based, dynamic charts right from R. It offers a wide variety of graph types, such as scatter plots, bar charts, line graphs, 3D plots, maps, and more. One of Plotly’s biggest advantages is the interactivity it brings to R visualizations, includ...
2158 sym R (929 sym/3 pcs) 2 tbl
kurtosis and skewness analysis process
Introduction This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the distribution of variables in the airquality dataset, focusing on skewness and kurtosis to understand data symmetry and tail behavior. Skewness reveals the data’s tendency to lean towards one side, while kurtosis sheds light on the extremity of data points in the tails. These me...
2643 sym 1 img 1 tbl