Publications by T. Moudiki

Comparing cross-validation results using crossval_ml and boxplots


Table of contents 0 – Install packages + global parameters 1 – Regression example 2 – Classification example 0 – Install packages + global parameters Let’s start by installing the main package, crossvalidation (version 0.5.0): 1st method: from R-universe (where you can also package’s long-form descriptions a.k.a vignettes) In R cons...

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Did you ask ChatGPT about who you are?


It all started with a bug in Python package BCN (BCN, for Boosted Configuration neural Networks), that I tried to solve with the traditional (and still efficient) tools for the job: search engines querying and Stackoverflow. Interested in learning more about BCNs? You can read this post and this post. Python package BCN is currently built on top...

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A new version of nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized ‘neural’ networks)


Content: nnetsauce’s new version Installing nnetsauce for Python About nnetsauce for R nnetsauce’s new version A new version of nnetsauce, v0.12.0, is available on PyPI and for conda. It’s been mostly tested on Linux and macOS platforms. For Windows users: you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux in case it doesn’t work directly ...

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nnetsauce on Pypi


Machine Learning and Deep Learning package nnetsauce (introduced here ) is now available on Pypi – and I’m so proud of it ;). Which means, you can install it by using the command line:pip install nnetsauce For more examples of use of this package, you can consult this post, or the package’s Github repo README.Related To leave a comment for ...

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Import data into the querier (now on Pypi), a query language for Data Frames


The querier is a query language that helps you to retrieve data from Python Data Frames. In this post from October 25, we presented the querier and different verbs constituting its grammar for wrangling data: concat, delete, drop, filtr, join, select, summarize, update, request. In this other post from November 22, we showed how our querier verbs...

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Documentation for the querier, a query language for Data Frames


Data Frames are widely used and useful structures for data wrangling. The querier is a query language for Python Data Frames, inspired from SQL’s relational databases querying logic. Previous posts about the querier can be found on this blog.A documentation for the tool is now available on readthedocs. Feel free to read it (of course), complete...

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Documentation+Pypi for the `teller`, a model-agnostic tool for Machine Learning explainability


The teller is a model-agnostic tool for Machine Learning (ML) explainability. It uses Taylor series and finite differences to explain ML models predictions:a little increase in model’s explanatory variables + a little decrease = approximate sensitivities of its predictions to changes in these explanatory variablesThe teller is now available on ...

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AdaOpt is a probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable optimization and a nearest neighbors algorithm. More details about it are found in this paper. When reading the paper, keep in mind that the algorithm is still very new; only time will allow to fully appreciate all its features. Plus, its performance on this dataset is not an in...

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Parallel AdaOpt classification


In these previous posts:AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing) (on 05/29/2020)AdaOpt (a probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable optimization and nearest neighbors) for R (on 05/22/2020)AdaOpt (on 05/15/2020)I introduced AdaOpt, a novel probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable opt...

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Parallel AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing)


In these previous posts:AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing) (on 05/29/2020)AdaOpt (a probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable optimization and nearest neighbors) for R (on 05/22/2020)AdaOpt (on 05/15/2020)I introduced AdaOpt, a novel probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable opt...

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