Publications by systematicinvestor

Multiple Factor Model – Building Fundamental Factors


This is the second post in the series about Multiple Factor Models. I will build on the code presented in the prior post, Multiple Factor Model – Fundamental Data, and I will show how to build Fundamental factors described in the CSFB Alpha Factor Framework. For details of the CSFB Alpha Factor Framework please read CSFB Quantitative Research, ...

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Multiple Factor Model – Building CSFB Factors


This is the third post in the series about Multiple Factor Models. I will build on the code presented in the prior post, Multiple Factor Model – Building Fundamental Factors, and I will show how to build majority of factors described in the CSFB Alpha Factor Framework. For details of the CSFB Alpha Factor Framework please read CSFB Quantitative...

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Multiple Factor Model – Building Risk Model


This is the fourth post in the series about Multiple Factor Models. I will build on the code presented in the prior post, Multiple Factor Model – Building CSFB Factors, and I will show how to build a multiple factor risk model. For an example of the multiple factor risk models, please read following references: MSCI Barra United States Equity...

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Portfolio Optimization – Why do we need a Risk Model


In the last post, Multiple Factor Model – Building Risk Model, I have shown how to build a multiple factor risk model. In this post I want to explain why do we need a risk model and how it is used during portfolio construction process. The covariance matrix is used during the mean-variance portfolio optimization to estimate portfolio risk. The ...

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Multiple Factor Model – Building 130/30 Index


Nico brought to my attention the 130/30: The New Long-Only (2008) by A. Lo, P. Patel paper in his comment to the Multiple Factor Model – Building CSFB Factors post. This paper presents a very detailed step by step guide to building 130/30 Index using average CSFB Factors as the alpha model and MSCI Barra Multi-Factor Risk model. Today, I want t...

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Portfolio Optimization: Specify constraints with GNU MathProg language


I have previously described a few examples of portfolio construction: Introduction to Asset Allocation Maximum Loss and Mean-Absolute Deviation risk measures 130/30 Portfolio Construction Minimum Investment and Number of Assets Portfolio Cardinality Constraints Multiple Factor Model – Building 130/30 Index (Update) I created a number of helpe...

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Backtesting Asset Allocation portfolios


In the last post, Portfolio Optimization: Specify constraints with GNU MathProg language, Paolo and MC raised a question: “How would you construct an equal risk contribution portfolio?” Unfortunately, this problem cannot be expressed as a Linear or Quadratic Programming problem. The outline for this post: I will show how Equal Risk Contri...

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Gini Efficient Frontier


David Varadi have recently wrote two posts about Gini Coefficient: I Dream of Gini, and Mean-Gini Optimization. I want to show how to use Gini risk measure to construct efficient frontier and compare it with alternative risk measures I discussed previously. I will use Gini mean difference risk measure – the mean of the difference between every ...

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Transaction Cost and Execution Price functionality in the Backtesting library in the Systematic Investor Toolbox


I want to introduce the Transaction Cost and Execution Price functionality in the Backtesting library in the Systematic Investor Toolbox. The Transaction Cost is implemented by a commission parameter in the function. You may specify the commissions in $ per share for “share” type backtest and as a percentage of total trade for “wei...

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Calling Systematic Investor Toolbox from Excel using RExcel & VBA


RExcel is a great tool to connect R and Microsoft Excel. With a press of a button, I can easily execute my R scripts and present output interactively in Excel. This easy integration allows non-R users to explore the power R language. As an example of this approach, I want to show how to create an Efficient Frontier using Systematic Investor Toolb...

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