Publications by Swaty
Accounting for Spatial Dependence in Ecological Data
Reference and Disclaimer: For this exercise, I have used explanation and major chunk of codes from the book Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling by Robert Fletcher & Marie-Josée Fortin. Load the necessary packages rm(list = ls()) ## First specify the packages of interest packages = c("stringr","rgdal", "spdep", "lme4","vegan", "mgcv",...
1836 sym Python (3709 sym/20 pcs) 4 img 2 tbl
Spatial Dependence and Autocorrelation
Reference and Disclaimer: For this exercise, I have used explanation and major chunk of codes from the book Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling by Robert Fletcher & Marie-Josée Fortin. Load the necessary packages rm(list = ls()) ## First specify the packages of interest packages = c("rgdal","spatstat","pgirmess","ncf","spdep", "geoR"...
1720 sym 10 img
Species Distributions
Reference and Disclaimer: For this exercise, I have used explanation and codes from the book Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling by Robert Fletcher & Marie-Josée Fortin. Load the necessary packages rm(list = ls()) ## First specify the packages of interest packages = c("raster","spatstat","rgdal","dismo","glmnet","mgcv","randomForest"...
3548 sym Python (11019 sym/35 pcs) 12 img
Space Use and Resource Selection
Reference and Disclaimer: For this exercise, I have used explanation and codes from the book Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling by Robert Fletcher & Marie-Josée Fortin. Load the necessary packages rm(list = ls()) ## First specify the packages of interest packages = c("raster", "reshape2","rgdal","adehabitatLT", "adehabitatHR","adeha...
975 sym 11 img
Spatial R Cheatsheet
Reference and Disclaimer: To create this cheatsheet, I have referred online resources extensively. It is a compilation of available resources for beginners in Spatial Analytics with R. Load the necessary R packages ## First specify the packages of interest packages = c("raster", "reshape2","rgdal","sp","ggspatial","ggplot2","rasterVis") ## ...
1134 sym 7 img
Reference and Disclaimer: For this exercise, I have used explanation and codes from the book Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling by Robert Fletcher & Marie-Josée Fortin. For analysis, I have used codes from (Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R)[] and (How To Do Archaeological Scienc...
2368 sym Python (5248 sym/17 pcs) 9 img
R Basics
Reference and Disclaimer: To create this cheatsheet, I have referred online resources extensively. It is a compilation of available resources for beginners in Spatial Analytics with R. This article is for R Begineer’s and it includes very basic R operations. Many important links are included for further practicing. I learnt R by Doing and a...
2573 sym 18 img
Basic R tour
Reference and Disclaimer: To create this cheatsheet, I have referred online resources extensively. It is a compilation of available resources for beginners in Spatial Analytics with R. This article is for R Begineer’s and it includes very basic R operations. Many important links are included for further practicing. I learnt R by Doing and a...
3689 sym 18 img
HW2 Record times for Northern Ireland mountain running events First thing first - install necessary packages if not already installed rm(list = ls()) ## First specify the packages of interest packages = c("tidyverse", "dplyr","ggplot2","devtools") ## Now load or install&load all package.check <- lapply( packages, FUN = function(x) { ...
503 sym R (1844 sym/8 pcs) 1 img
ggplot replication
Reference and disclaimer: This homework is attempting to reproduce parts of the New Yorker article by John Cassidy, dated March 26, 2014, and titled Piketty’s Inequality Story in Six Charts. All text was lifted directly from that article. Figures are compiled using data that was found at this address. This is purely an exercise in reproduction....
5146 sym R (2533 sym/3 pcs) 3 img