Publications by suresh kumar Gorakala

Document Classification using R


September 23, 2013Recently I have developed interest in analyzing data to find trends, to predict the future events etc. & started working on few POCS on Data Analytics such as Predictive analysis, text mining.  I’m putting my next blog on Data Mining- more specifically document classification using R Programming language, one of the powerful ...

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Sentiment Analysis using R


September 23, 2013Movie rating using Twitter Data – Using RToday I will explain you how to create a basic Movie review engine based on the tweets by people using R.The implementation of the Review Engine will be as follows:         Gets Tweets from Twitter         Clean the data         Create a Word Cloud         Create a d...

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Topic Modeling in R


As a part of Twitter Data Analysis, So far I have completed Movie review using R & Document Classification using R. Today we will be dealing with discovering topics in Tweets, i.e. to mine the tweets data to discover underlying topics– approach known as Topic Modeling.What is Topic Modeling?A statistical approach for discovering “abstracts/to...

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Fetch Twitter data using R


This short post will explain how you can fetch twitter data using  twitteR & StreamR packages available in R. In order to connect to twitter API, we need to undergo an authentication process known as OAuth explained in my previous post.Twitter data can be fetched from twitter in two ways: a) Rest API b) Streaming Api.In today’s blog post we ...

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Cluster Analysis using R


In this post, I will explain you about Cluster Analysis, The process of grouping objects/individuals together in such a way that objects/individuals in one group are more similar than objects/individuals in other groups. For example, from a ticket booking engine database identifying clients with similar booking activities and group them together...

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Data Scientist. The Path I Chose


As we all are marching into the New Year, I would like to post about my plans to become a Data Scientist, my 2014 resolution at Professional front. The term Data Science was first introduced to me a year ago same time. Since then I have started researching and gathering necessary information and decided to become Data Scientist. After one year I j...

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Data Analysis Tools


As mentioned in my previous post , in this post I will be listing out the tools, blogs and forums, online courses that I have gathered over the past one year, which I felt necessary in my journey, which will be helpful to my fellow data science aspirants. Skillset Required: Knowledge in Statistics – Exploratory analysis, doing initial analysi...

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Data Analysis Steps


After going through the overview of tools & technologies needed to become a Data scientist in my previous blog post, in this post, we shall understand how to tackle a data analysis problem.Any data analysis project starts with identifying a business problem where historical data exists. A business problem can be anything which can include predict...

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Exploratory data analysis techniques


In my previous blog post I have explained the steps needed to solve a data analysis problem. Going further, I will be discussing in-detail each and every step of Data Analysis. In this post, we shall discuss about exploratory Analysis.What is Exploratory Analysis?“Understanding data visually”Exploratory Analysis means analyzing the datasets t...

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Build Web applications using Shiny R


Ever since I’ve started working on R , I always wondered how I can presentthe results of my statistical models as web applications. After doing someresearch over the internet I’ve come across – ShinyR – a new packagefrom RStudio which can be used to develop interactive web applications with R.Before going into how to build web apps using ...

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