Publications by stathack

UPDATE Multiple postgreSQL Table Records in Parellel


Unfortunately the RpostgreSQL package (I’m pretty sure other SQL DBs as well) doesn’t have a provision to UPDATE multiple records (say a whole data.frame) at once or allow placeholders making the UPDATE a one row at a time ordeal, so I built a work around hack to do the job in parellel.  The big problem was that you have to open and close th...

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Tapping the FourSquare Trending Venues API with R


I came up with the following function to tap into the FourSquare trending venues API: library("RCurl", "RJSONIO") foursquare<-function(x,y,z){ w<-paste("",x,"&radius=2000&oauth_token=",y,"&v=",z,sep="") u<-getURL(w) test<-fromJSON(u) locationname="" lat="" long="" zip=...

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Getting started with twitteR in R


I have asked by a few people lately to help walk them through using twitter API in R, and I’ve always just directed them to the blog post I wrote last year during the US presidential debates not knowing that Twitter had changed a few things. Having my interest peaked through a potential project at work I tried using some of my old code only to ...

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Heatmapping Washington, DC Rental Price Changes using OpenStreetMaps


Percentage change of median price per square foot from July 2012 to July 2013: Percentage change of median price from July 2012 to July 2013: Last November I made a  choropleth of median rental prices in the San Francisco Bay Area using data from my company, Kwelia.  I have wanted to figure out how to plot a similar heat map over an actual ma...

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Scheduling R Tasks with Crontabs to Conserve Memory


One of R’s biggest pitfalls is that eats up memory without letting it go.  This can be a huge problem if you are running really big jobs, have a lot of tasks  to run, or there are multiple users on your local computer or r server.  When I run huge jobs on my mac, I can pretty much forget doing anything else like watching a movie or ram inten...

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