Publications by statcompute

Data Import Efficiency – A Case in R


Below is a piece of R snippet comparing the data import efficiencies among CSV, SQLITE, and HDF5. Similar to the case in Python posted yesterday, HDF5 shows the highest efficiency. > library(RSQLite) Loading required package: DBI > library(rhdf5) > df <- read.csv('credit_count.csv') >, list(nrow(df), ncol(df), '\n')) 13444 14 > > ...

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Aggregation by Group in R


> df <- read.csv('credit_count.csv') > > # METHOD 1: USING AGGREGAGE() > summ1 <- aggregate(df[c('INCOME', 'BAD')], df[c('SELFEMPL', 'OWNRENT')], mean) > print(summ1) SELFEMPL OWNRENT INCOME BAD 1 0 0 2133.314 0.08470957 2 1 0 2742.247 0.06896552 3 0 1 2881.201 0.06293210 4 1 1 3487...

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More about Aggregation by Group in R


Motivated by my young friend, HongMing Song, I managed to find more handy ways to calculate aggregated statistics by group in R. They require loading additional packages, plyr, doBy, Hmisc, and gdata, and are extremely user-friendly. In terms of CPU time, while the method with summarize() is as efficient as the 2nd method with by() introduced yes...

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Surprising Performance of data.table in Data Aggregation


data.table ( inherits from data.frame and provides functionality in fast subset, fast grouping, and fast joins. In previous posts, it is shown that the shortest CPU time to aggregate a data.frame with 13,444 rows and 14 columns for 10 times is 0.236 seconds with summarize() in Hmisc package. However, after ...

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Modeling in R with Log Likelihood Function


Similar to NLMIXED procedure in SAS, optim() in R provides the functionality to estimate a model by specifying the log likelihood function explicitly. Below is a demo showing how to estimate a Poisson model by optim() and its comparison with glm() result. > df <- read.csv('credit_count.csv') > # ESTIMATE A POISSON MODEL WITH GLM() > mdl <- glm(M...

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Efficiecy of Extracting Rows from A Data Frame in R


In the example below, 552 rows are extracted from a data frame with 10 million rows using six different methods. Results show a significant disparity between the least and the most efficient methods in terms of CPU time. Similar to the finding in my previous post, the method with data.table package is the most efficient solution with 0.64s CPU ti...

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PART – A Rule-Learning Algorithm


> require('RWeka') > require('pROC') > > # SEPARATE DATA INTO TRAINING AND TESTING SETS > df1 <- read.csv('credit_count.csv') > df2 <- df1[df1$CARDHLDR == 1, 2:12] > set.seed(2013) > rows <- sample(1:nrow(df2), nrow(df2) - 1000) > set1 <- df2[rows, ] > set2 <- df2[-rows, ] > > # BUILD A PART RULE MODEL > mdl1 <- PART(factor(BAD) ~., data = set1...

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Efficiency in Joining Two Data Frames


In R, there are multiple ways to merge 2 data frames. However, there could be a huge disparity in terms of efficiency. Therefore, it is worthwhile to test the performance among different methods and choose the correct approach in the real-world work. For smaller data frames with 1,000 rows, all six methods shown below seem to work pretty well ex...

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Another Benchmark for Joining Two Data Frames


In my post yesterday comparing efficiency in joining two data frames, I overlooked the computing cost used to convert data.frames to data.tables / ff data objects. Today, I did the test again with the consideration of library loading and data conversion. After the replication of 10 times in rbenchmark package, the joining method with data.table i...

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A Grid Search for The Optimal Setting in Feed-Forward Neural Networks


The feed-forward neural network is a very powerful classification model in the machine learning content. Since the goodness-of-fit of a neural network is majorly dominated by the model complexity, it is very tempting for a modeler to over-parameterize the neural network by using too many hidden layers or/and hidden units. As pointed out by Brian...

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