Publications by Robert S Okupski
Capstone Practice Presentation
Sleep Efficiency Data About the data: “The dataset contains information about a group of test subjects and their sleep patterns. Each test subject is identified by a unique”Subject ID” and their age and gender are also recorded. The “Bedtime” and “Wakeup time” features indicate when each subject goes to bed and wakes up each day, and ...
1246 sym 2 img
Python Data Visualizations
import os os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH'] = 'D:/Anaconda3/Library/plugins/platforms' import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") path = 'U:/' filename = path + 'Sleep_Efficiency.csv' Distribution Bar Chart #make subdf with sleep efficiency df1 = pd.r...
1163 sym Python (9773 sym/21 pcs) 4 img
STG Presentation
Data Visualizations from IS460W01 The following visualizations are from the Baltimore City Traffic Citations.The data set is downloadable through this link: Libraries and Data Source Pressing the ‘Code’ button shows / hides the code used in this document. #Necessar...
2061 sym R (12887 sym/11 pcs) 6 img
Sleep Efficiency Dataset Analysis 1.1
Sleep Efficiency Dataset The Sleep Efficiency Dataset has 452 observations of individuals of their sleeping habits, including Age, Gender, Bedtime, Wake-up time, Sleep duration, Sleep efficiency, REM sleep percentage, Deep sleep percentage, Light sleep percentage. The dataset also includes lifestyle habits that can influence sleeping patterns: Numb...
1997 sym R (16954 sym/23 pcs) 5 img
Sleep Efficiency Dataset Analysis
Sleep Efficiency Dataset The Sleep Efficiency Dataset has 452 observations of individuals of their sleeping habits, including Age, Gender, Bedtime, Wake-up time, Sleep duration, Sleep efficiency, REM sleep percentage, Deep sleep percentage, Light sleep percentage. The dataset also includes lifestyle habits that can influence sleeping patterns: Numb...
1796 sym R (7354 sym/14 pcs) 4 img
Introduction For Assignment 2, the goal was to create a data visualization presenting the top kickers in the NFL I determined that the best kickers in the NFL were the kickers with the highest accuracy of successful kicks to total kick attempts, given that the kicker has done at least 10 kicks. #Libraries library(data.table) library(lubridate) li...
1007 sym R (2342 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Assignment 3 V1
Introduction For Assingment 3, I modified the distance metric used for calculating the traffic meter scale for a punt returned for a touchdown. Initially, I standardized the play direction using code from kaggle then created a new boolean variable: isBlocking. isBlocking checks the player to see if they are on the same team and if they are within...
2033 sym R (11460 sym/8 pcs) 1 img