Publications by Shane Hylton
DATA 624 Assignment 2
DATA 624 Assignment 1 Shane Hylton 2023-02-14 Question 3.1 Consider the GDP information in global_economy. Plot the GDP per capita for each country over time. Which country has the highest GDP per capita? How has this changed over time? global_economy <- global_economy ggplot(global_economy)+ geom_line(aes(x = Year,y = GDP,color = Country),show....
6646 sym Python (6186 sym/73 pcs) 33 img
DATA 624 Assignment 1 Shane Hylton 2023-02-04 Question 2.1 Use the help function to explore what the series gafa_stock , PBS , vic_elec and pelt represent. Use autoplot() to plot some of the series in these data sets. Whatisthetimeintervalofeachseries? help(gafa_stock) help(PBS) help(vic_elec) help(pelt) A: autoplot(gafa_stock) ## Plot variabl...
969 sym 14 img 2 tbl
DATA 608 Homework 1
Principles of Data Visualization and Introduction to ggplot2 I have provided you with data about the 5,000 fastest growing companies in the US, as compiled by Inc. magazine. lets read this in: inc <- read.csv("", header= TRUE) library(tidyverse) #...
2372 sym R (7176 sym/26 pcs) 4 img
DATA 621 Homework 2
Data 621 Homework 2 Shane Hylton 2022-10-09 Parts I and II data <- read.csv('') keys <- subset(data, select = c("class","scored.class","scored.probability")) raw_cm <- table(keys) cm <- data.frame(raw_cm) #keys$scored.class <- as.factor(keys$scored.class) ...
2068 sym Python (9714 sym/49 pcs) 3 img
XGBoost Introduction
eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Shane Hylton 2022-12-15 What is XGBoost? eXtreme Gradient Boosting Gradient boosting: Combination of mixed model classes, used to construct decision trees Often outperforms random forest Tree based machine learning algorithm Parallel processing (Excellent for big data) How is XGBoost Different from Random F...
7895 sym 7 img 1 tbl
Modeling Fantasy Football Statistics
Modeling Fantasy Football Statistics Shane Hylton 2022-12-14 Introduction 3 Key Questions Can I Predict Fantasy Points Given only Targets as Input? Can I Predict Fantasy Points Given Targets and Yards Per Reception? Can I Predict Touchdowns Given All Inputs? ESPN Top 3 Week 13 Wide Receiver Projections Data Overview Summary of Season Data ...
2985 sym 12 img 7 tbl
R Bridge HW 2
Question 1: link <- '' orange <- read.csv(url(link), na.strings = "") summary(orange) ## X Tree age circumference ## Min. : 1.0 Min. :1 Min. : 118.0 Min. : 30.0 ## 1st Qu.: 9.5 1st Qu.:2 1st Qu.: 484.0 1st Qu.: 65.5 ## ...
101 sym R (4578 sym/30 pcs)
R Bridge HW 1
Question 1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial x = 12 fact <- 1 for( i in 1:x) { fact <- fact*i } print(fact) ## [1] 479001600 Question 2 Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. ## [1] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Question 3 Create the function “quadratic” that takes a trio of input numbers a, b, a...
346 sym R (1911 sym/9 pcs)
NFL Week 15 Wide Receiver Projections
Wide Receiver Projections Week 15 Shane Hylton 12/15/2021 Accessing the Data Data is loaded into Github Repository for easy access. It was downloaded from the FantasyPros website. The data from the FantasyPros website is inaccurate for players like Cordarrelle Patterson, who are listed as runningbacks or tight ends in the FantasyPros database. S...
649 sym R (5471 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
DATA 607 Final Project
Exploring the Universe Shane Hylton 12/4/2021 Overview When I seek inspiration, I gaze up to the stars. Throughout history, the sky has been the world’s greatest source of inspiration. Seeking to continue reaching for the stars, I began my college career as an astronomy major, but I eventually transitioned to mathematics instead. Over the past...
11541 sym R (9963 sym/41 pcs) 13 img