Publications by Shawn P. Serbin, Julien Lamour, & Jeremiah Anderson



Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral database, choose the “optimal” number of plsr components, and fit a plsr model for leaf-mass area (LMA) Getting Started Step 1. Load libraries needed to run example script list.of.packages <- c("pls","dplyr","reshape2","here","plotrix","...

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Getting Started Load libraries list.of.packages <- c("pls","dplyr","reshape2","here","plotrix","ggplot2","gridExtra", "spectratrait") invisible(lapply(list.of.packages, library, character.only = TRUE)) ## ## Attaching package: 'pls' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## loadings ## ## Attachin...

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Spectra-trait PLSR example using leaf-level spectra and leaf mass per area (LMA) data from 36 species growing in Rosa rugosa invaded coastal grassland communities in Belgium Shawn P. Serbin, Julien Lamour, & Jeremiah Anderson Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral database, choose t...

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Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to develop pixel-scale spectra-trait PLSR models. This example uses image data from NEON AOP and associated field measurements of leaf nitrogen content collected across a range of CONUS NEON sites. For more information refer to the dataset EcoSIS page:

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Spectra-trait PLSR example using leaf-level spectra and leaf nitrogen content (Narea, g/m2) data from eight different crop species growing in a glasshouse at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Shawn P. Serbin, Julien Lamour, & Jeremiah Anderson Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to load an internal dataset (“ely_plsr_data”)...

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Spectra-trait PLSR example using leaf-level spectra and specific leaf area (SLA) data from more than 40 species grassland species comprising both herbs and graminoids. Shawn P. Serbin, Julien Lamour, & Jeremiah Anderson Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral database, choose the “...

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Spectra-trait PLSR example using leaf-level spectra and leaf mass per area (LMA) data from CONUS NEON sites Shawn P. Serbin, Julien Lamour, & Jeremiah Anderson Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral database, choose the “optimal” number of plsr components, and fit a plsr model f...

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Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral database, choose the “optimal” number of plsr components, and fit a plsr model for leaf nitrogen content (Narea, g/m2) Getting Started Load libraries list.of.packages <- c("pls","dplyr","reshape2","here","plotrix","ggplot2","gridExtra", ...

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Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral database, choose the “optimal” number of plsr components, and fit a plsr model for leaf nitrogen content (Narea, g/m2) Getting Started Load libraries list.of.packages <- c("pls","dplyr","here","plotrix","ggplot2","gridExtra","spectratrai...

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Spectra-trait PLSR example using leaf-level spectra and leaf mass per area (LMA) data from 36 species growing in Rosa rugosa invaded coastal grassland communities in Belgium Shawn P. Serbin, Julien Lamour, & Jeremiah Anderson 2022-03-15 Overview This is an R Markdown Notebook to illustrate how to retrieve a dataset from the EcoSIS spectral databas...

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