Publications by SP
DataViz Exercise 1
TYPE THE CODE BELOW (in the shaded boxes) Notes: When you hit Ctrl-Enter on each line, you will see the result in the Console. Use the “#” to write a comment. R will not read anything on a line after the #. Let’s start with some arithmetic 6+4 ## [1] 10 8-5 ## [1] 3 3*5 ## [1] 15 12/2 ## [1] 6 log(100) # natural log; usually written a...
674 sym R (2961 sym/22 pcs) 2 img
tempest 2022 teros rmd
Strategy We have many TEROS sensors across the TEMPEST plots, and they often read relatively different things for the “same” location, though patterns are consistent. Additionally, there are some gaps in sensor records, which can lead to spikes or dips when one sensor reading something different from the others cuts in/out. This means we can do...
1896 sym 14 img
Dataset by shepherd
Data system Throughout the fieldwork we identified and contacted - to have preliminary information - 86 shepherds who use communal pasturelands of CSP. After filtering them regarding whether their pastoral zones fit the topographical and ecological conditions for the plant sampling, we kept 35 shepherds among the 86 to inquire further informati...
3212 sym 2 tbl
Dataset by transect
Data exploration We carried out 74 plant sampling during 2022 and 2023 fieldwork. ## Rows: 74 ## Columns: 30 ## $ id <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,… ## $ transect <chr> "C01A", "C01B", "C01C", "C02A", "C02B", "C02C", "C03A"… ## $ herder <chr> "gregorio+marchante+santos", "gregorio+m...
1220 sym 2 tbl
Health expenditures in the US
US Health Expenditures | Updated 2023-12-19 Column Facts about National Health Expenditures (NHE) in 2022 NHE grew 4.1% to $4.5 trillion in 2022, or $13,493 per person, and accounted for 17.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Medicare spending grew 5.9% to $944.3 billion in 2022, or 21 percent of total NHE. Medicaid spending grew 9.6% to ...
2673 sym 6 img
Dataset by transect
Data exploration[,c(8:29)] <- lapply([,c(8:29)], as.numeric)[,c(7)] <- lapply([,c(7)], factor) = %>% rename(date = dd, bulk.density = soil_dens, hcl.test = hcl, value = val, chroma = chro, litter = lit.y, stone = ston,moss = moss.y,t.p...
425 sym 1 tbl
Bank assets and profits
BANK FINANCES | Updated 2023-11-26 Column FDIC Bank data: 1934-2021 Column Number Assets Profits Average profits Interest rates vs profits Top 20 banks by Assets Top 20 banks by Net Income Notes NOTES Bank data is from FDIC: Data on consumer price index and 10-year T-note yield is f...
499 sym 14 img
Course enrollments 2023-24
COURSE ENROLLMENTS IN 2023-24 | Updated 2023-11-25 Table Semester Academic Year Core CORE ENROLLMENTS: 2023-24 Core Total Area 1 Power of Lang: English 426 Area 10 Interdiscip Colloquium 51 Area 2 Power of Lang: Other 444 Area 3 Creative Expression 1061 Area 4 Western Cul Heritage 584 Area 5 NonWestern Cul Heritage 481 Ar...
716 sym 2 tbl
Course enrollments
COURSE ENROLMENTS IN 2023-24 | Updated 2023-11-25 Table Semester Academic Year Core 2023-24 ENROLMENTS IN CORE Core Total Area 1 Power of Lang: English 426 Area 10 Interdiscip Colloquium 51 Area 2 Power of Lang: Other 444 Area 3 Creative Expression 1061 Area 4 Western Cul Heritage 584 Area 5 NonWestern Cul Heritage 481 Ar...
706 sym 1 tbl
Pulse: US economy
PULSE ON THE U.S. ECONOMY | Updated 2023-11-19 At a Glance Column THE ECONOMY AT A GLANCE Indicator Value Unit Period Freq 1 GDP growth 4.9 % 2023 Q3 quarterly 2 GDP forecast next qtr [a] 2.0 % 2023 Q4 almost daily 3 Productivity 4.7 % 2023 Q3 quarterly 4 Employment cost index 4.4 % 2023 Q3 quarterly 5 Avera...
956 sym 18 img 8 tbl