Publications by smarterpoland
archivist: Boost the reproducibility of your research
A few days ago Journal of Statistical Software has published our article (in collaboration with Marcin Kosiński) archivist: An R Package for Managing, Recording and Restoring Data Analysis Results. Why should you care? Let’s see. Starter Would you want to retrieve a ggplot2 object with the plot on the right? Just call the following line in y...
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chRistmas tRees
Year over year, in the last classes before Christmas I ask my students to create a Christmas tree in R. Classes are about Techniques of data visualisation and usually, at this point, we are discussing interactive graphics and tools like rbokeh, ggiraph, vegalite, googleVis, D3, rCharts or plotly. I like this exercise because with most tools it is...
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Top interactive visualizations of movie scripts
One of the highest pleasures for an academic teacher is to be surprised by an extraordinary student’s project or homework. Something that greatly exceeds expectations. I’ve reoriented my courses in a way to make such surprises frequent. The second project in my Data Visualisation classes was related to interactive graphics. The task was to cr...
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DALEX: understand a black box model – conditional responses for a single variable
Black-box models, like random forest model or gradient boosting model, are commonly used in predictive modelling due to their elasticity and high accuracy. The problem is, that it is hard to understand how a single variable affects model predictions. As a remedy one can use excellent tools like pdp package (Brandon Greenwell, pdp: An R Package f...
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DALEX: how would you explain this prediction?
Last week I wrote about single variable explainers implemented in the DALEX package. They are useful to plot relation between a model output and a single variable. But sometimes we are more focused on a single model prediction. If our model predicts possible drug response for a patient, we really need to know which factors drive the model predic...
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How fractals helped my students to master package development in R
Last semester I taught an R programming at MIMUW. My lectures are project oriented, the second project was related to package development. The idea was straightforward: each team of students shall create a package that produces IFS fractals (based on iterated function systems). Each package shall have two generic functions: create() and plot(), d...
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DALEX: which variables are really important? Ask your black box model!
Third post from the short series about black-box explainers implemented in the DALEX package. Learn more about DALEX at SER (Warsaw, April 2018), eRum (Budapest, May 2018), WhyR (Wroclaw, June 2018) or UseR (Brisbane, July 2018). Two weeks ago I wrote about single variable conditional responses and last week I wrote about decompositions of a sin...
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DALEX Stories – Warsaw apartments
This Monday we had a machine learning oriented meeting of Warsaw R Users. Prof Bernd Bischl from LMU gave an excellent overview of mlr package (machine learning in R), then I introduced DALEX (Descriptive mAchine Learning EXplanations) and Mateusz Staniak introduced live and breakDown packages. The meeting pushed me to write down a gentle introdu...
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DALEX @ eRum 2018
DALEX invasion has started with the workshop and talk @ eRum 2018. Find workshop materials at DALEX: Descriptive mAchine Learning EXplanations. Tools for exploration, validation and explanation of complex machine learning models (thanks Mateusz Staniak for having the second part of the workshop). And my presentation Show my your model 2.0! (thank...
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ML models: What they can’t learn?
What I love in conferences are the people, that come after your talk and say: It would be cool to add XYZ to your package/method/theorem. After the eRum (great conference by the way) I was lucky to hear from Tal Galili: It would be cool to use DALEX for teaching, to show how different ML models are learning relations. Cool idea. So let’s see wh...
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