Publications by Siyang Ni
EDPSY 558 Homework 2
Setting up the Environment rm(list=ls()) #Remove all existing objects setwd("D:/r/sem") #Set the working directory library(tidyverse) #Data Science package ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.3 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ##...
4388 sym R (37397 sym/65 pcs) 1 img
SOC575: Assignment 1
Question 1 Using the regress command in Stata and the NELS data provided in class, estimate the effects of educational expectations (bys45), family income (byfaminc), and sex (sex) on 8th grade GPA (bygrads). Interpret both the unstandardized coefficients as well as the standardized coefficients (when it is appropriate to do so). Finally, creat...
11027 sym Python (25575 sym/107 pcs) 5 img
SOC 574 Problem Set #4
Problem 1 As part of a study concerning the effect of physical activity on mental health, a psychologist rated 231 subjects on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being highly inactive and 5 being highly active). The sample mean was 3.94 and the sample standard deviation was.75. a) Construct a 90% confidence interval for the mean # Inputting the related sta...
7466 sym R (4394 sym/33 pcs)
SOC574 Midterm Exam
This exam consists of 4 questions and 110 points total. You may either print this exam out, write your answer by hand and submit as a scan/picture, or type your answers, in which case you may use as much space as necessary. If you must answer a question on more than the space provided, make sure the question number and part being answered ar...
10140 sym 2 img
Note For every variable, Column %(NA-) reports the frequency without any NAs. I also reported the cumulative frequency in column cum.%(NA-). I also plotted the frequency for each variable, giving a more intuitive way of digesting the frequency information. All NAs are indicated by the “last” bar of the histogram, unless otherwise indicat...
11301 sym R (85315 sym/250 pcs) 119 img
SOC 574 Problem Set #7
The dataset you will be analyzing for this assignment is an extract from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (1997). The file psid97.dat is included. Please include all relevant Stata output with you copy of the solutions. The dataset includes five variables: • Age of the household head (age) • Years of education of the household head (edu...
9373 sym R (6122 sym/41 pcs) 1 img
Prevalence of Delinquency- China's Rural Adolescents
Setting Environment library(epiDisplay) ## Warning: package 'epiDisplay' was built under R version 4.2.2 library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.2.2 df <- read_csv("D:/research/thesis/data/bugfix2_attach_caregiver.csv") Prevelance of delinquency by types (1) “using indecent language in online chat or forum,�...
1310 sym R (12832 sym/65 pcs) 31 img
Reproducible Research - Course Project 2
Health and Economic Impact of Storm A Report Based on NOAA Storm Database Synopsis Storms and other severe weather events have caused both public health and economic problems across the US. Over the years, we have seen severe adverse weather cases causing fatalities, injuries, and property damage. prevention and Reduction of negative socio-eco...
4530 sym R (5625 sym/21 pcs) 2 img
JHU Machine Learning Final Project
Executive Summary This is the report for the final project of the Practical Machine Learning course at John Hopkins University. This document was created using RStudio, and all the codes are based on R version 4.0.3. In this project, we show the process of training a machine learning algorithm that predict people’s exercise habit using personal...
11197 sym R (26257 sym/72 pcs) 2 img
March 23 Meeting Synopsis
Loading data library(tidyverse)#Misc library(Hmisc) #Misc library(MASS) #Regression #library(foreign) library(sandwich) #for cluster robust standard error library(lmtest) #for cluster robust standard error & LR test library(coxphw) # for wald test library(stargazer) # for output html' library(emmeans) # for exploring interaction load("D:/...
2613 sym R (12042 sym/12 pcs)