Publications by Shishir Rao

Planning Life Tests


Planning Life Tests Sample size, precision and length of test Shishir Rao 2025-02-07 Introduction Manufacturing companies conduct life tests on newly designed products before releasing it to the market. The test can help in identifying any potential weaknesses and failure modes, estimate the product lifespan, ensure the product is safe and meets a...

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Comparison of Failure Time Data


Comparison of Failure Time Distributions Parametric Method using R Shishir Rao 2024-12-27 Introduction Applications involving comparison of time-to-failure data from different groups are common in the fields of reliability and manufacturing. For example, a designer might want to implement a new design to reduce costs, but wants to make sure that t...

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Parametric Modeling of Failure Time data: Part II


Parametric Modeling of Failure Time data: Part II Application using R Statistical Software Shishir Rao 2024-12-03 Introduction This is the second part of the article on parametric modeling11 You can find the first part here. In the previous part, we fit a Weibull regression model to a time-to-failure dataset from a life test on ceramic bearings. I...

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Parametric Modeling of Failure Time Data


Parametric Modeling of Failure Time data Application using R Statistical Software Shishir Rao 2024-11-28 Introduction The four previous articles that I wrote were based on non-parametric methods in survival analysis. This is mainly because the book11 Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data, Second Edition (John P. Klein and M...

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Hypothesis Testing of Failure Time Data: Part II


Hypothesis Testing of Failure Time Data: Part II Application of a non-parametric stratified test and a test for trend using R Statistical Software Shishir Rao 2024-09-29 Introduction This article is a continuation of the series of articles where I apply the concepts learnt from the book Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data...

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Hypothesis Testing of Failure Time Data: Part I


Hypothesis Testing of Failure Time Data: Part I Application in R using non-parametric methods Shishir Rao 2024-06-24 Introduction The following article is my attempt at applying the concepts I learnt in the chapter on non-parametric hypothesis testing11 From the book Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data, Second Edition (Jo...

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Competing Risks in Failure Time Data


Competing Risks in Failure Time Data Application in R and Methodology (non-parametric) Shishir Rao 29th May, 2024 Introduction In my previous blog post, I briefly discussed the survival function and the Kaplan Meir method of estimating this function from a given dataset. We applied this method to a vehicle shock absorber dataset to answer question...

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Time to event analysis: An Introduction


Time to event analysis: An Introduction Shishir Rao 23rd May, 2024 Introduction I am currently reading the book Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data, Second Edition (John P. Klein and Melvin L. Moescheberger). Although the techniques presented in this book focus on applications in biology and medicine, the same statistical...

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