Publications by Anna Shirokanova
R Hidden Gems 2023
This year I realized as clearly as never before how important it is to show examples from A to Z. When doing correspondence analysis, we discussed biplots with small images of company brands in them. So, here we go. I will replicate the beautifully arranged case presented by one of the students and re-build the picture using standard R packages....
9794 sym R (6692 sym/15 pcs) 3 img
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Unfolding in R
This tutorial will demonstrate the use of various MDS algorithms for: geographical distances perceptual space. The logic follows this paper and these vignettes closely: and
6804 sym R (10435 sym/55 pcs) 15 img
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
This tutorial will demonstrate the use of various MDS algorithms for: geographical distances perceptual space. The logic follows this paper and these vignettes closely: and
2563 sym R (6721 sym/32 pcs) 8 img
Simple Correspondence Analysis - A Replication
Replicate the correspondence analysis (CA) on household chores. Source: Get the data library(factoextra) head(housetasks) Graph contingency tables and run a chi-square test library(gplots) dt <- as.table(as.m...
14730 sym R (4512 sym/25 pcs)
Plan: 1- Empirical example 2- PCA on correlated vs uncorrelated variables 3- PCA on correlation matrix (scaled) vs covariation matrix (non-scaled) Empirical example library(magrittr) library(tidyverse) library(corrplot) library(psych) library(plotly) library(htmlwidgets) require(FactoMineR) require(factoextra) Times Higher Education 2021...
3271 sym R (20475 sym/90 pcs) 15 img
PCA in R
Plan: 1- Empirical example 2- PCA on correlated vs uncorrelated variables 3- PCA on correlation matrix (scaled) vs covariance matrix (non-scaled) Empirical example library(tidyverse) library(DT) library(corrplot) library(psych) library(plotly) library(htmlwidgets) library(ggbiplot) library(ggfortify) require(FactoMineR) require(factoex...
5482 sym R (21557 sym/98 pcs) 20 img
Interaction Effects in Linear Regression
Linear Regression with Interaction Effects Anna Shirokanova, Olesya Volchenko May 13, 2020 Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: “Younger people consume more alcohol on weekdays if they are …” This seminar: Interaction effects: Exercise 1. Categorical by continuous Exercise 2. Categorical by categorical Exercise 3. Continu...
5656 sym R (7677 sym/33 pcs) 9 img 4 tbl
Practice Session 5
Dear students, For the following task we will use household data adapted from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE). A full dataset can be downloaded from here: The data set “potatoes.csv” (in the Data folder) contains data on the households’ crops harvest - potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beetroo...
2411 sym R (166 sym/2 pcs) 2 tbl
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in R Anna Shirokanova and Olesya Volchenko Last updated: March 25, 2022 This seminar Recap of one-way ANOVA Example of one-way ANOVA assumptions post hoc tests Non-parametric equivalent of ANOVA Effect size ANOVA is used: to compare means of three or more independent (unrelated) groups and determine ...
9921 sym R (9429 sym/49 pcs) 11 img 1 tbl
Correlation Analysis in R
Correlation analysis: practice Anna Shirokanova & Olesya Volchenko March 16, 2020 This seminar Recap of correlation analysis Examples of correlation analysis Types of correlation How to report correlation results Correlations Probably the most widely spread statistical concept Also widely misused Devised to estimate the relationship betwee...
8896 sym R (5514 sym/31 pcs) 12 img 4 tbl