Publications by Sherlyn Hilton

Lab 12 - Spatial Regression


The file usa48_usedcars.shp in directory ‘usedcars’ contains information on tax rates and delivery charges for new cars (tax_charge) in the 48 conterminous U.S. states for the period 1955-1959, as well as the average used car price for 1960 (price_1960). Use this dataset to build a spatial model linking used car prices to the tax and deliv...

5351 sym Python (7020 sym/31 pcs) 11 img

Lab 10 - Geostatistics


Exercise 1 The compressed file contains data on average annual temperatures for Oregon from a set of climate stations in the shapefile oregontann.shp in a variable called ‘tann’, and station elevation in a variable called elevation. A second file orgrid.shp contains a set of gridded elevations for the state at 10 minute resoluti...

2421 sym 9 img

Lab 9 - Point Patterns


Exercise 1 The zip file ‘’ contains two shapefiles. The first urkiola.shp contains point locations of two species of tree (oak and birch) in a Spanish National Park. The second, urkiolaWindow.shp, contains the park boundary as a polygon. Code for reading in these files, and converting them into a point process object (ppp) is gi...

3823 sym Python (4573 sym/23 pcs) 11 img

Lab 7 - Multivariate Analysis


Exercise 1 The file boston6k.csv contains information on house prices in Boston by census tract, as well as various socio-economic and environmental factors. Use this to cluster the tracts by these factors (NOT by price), then examine the characteristics of the clusters, whether they show a difference in house price and if there is any spatial...

8953 sym 11 img

Lab 6 - Models


Exercise 1: The file gapminderData5.csv contains a subset of the GapMinder dataset for 142 countries over 12 time steps (every 5 years between 1952 and 2007). Read the data in and use the tapply() function to estimate the mean life expectancy by country (tapply(gap\(lifeExp, gap\)country, mean)) # read in data gap <- read.csv("../datafiles/gapm...

4854 sym R (6174 sym/22 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl

Flash Flood Warnings 2021 to 2023


open shape files and merge into one data frame ffw21 <- read_sf("MonsoonData_fromJohn/wwa_202106010000_202109300000/wwa_202106010000_202109300000.shp") ffw22 <- st_read("MonsoonData_fromJohn/wwa_202206010000_202209300000/wwa_202206010000_202209300000.shp") ## Reading layer `wwa_202206010000_202209300000' from data source ## `C:\Users\sherl\One...

399 sym Python (8383 sym/18 pcs)

Flash Flood Storm Reports 2021 to 2023


Read data from yearly files, concatenate # read files ffReports2021 <- read.csv("MonsoonData_fromJohn/2021_flashFloods_storm_reports.csv") ffReports2022 <- read.csv("MonsoonData_fromJohn/2022_flashFloods_storm_reports.csv") ffReports2023 <- read.csv("MonsoonData_fromJohn/2023_flashFloods_storm_reports.csv") # cat into one data frame, remove ot...

272 sym

Lab 4


Question 1 In the previous lab, we used the file statedata.csv to examine the relationship between life expectancy and other socio-economic variables for the U.S. states. Using the same data set, now use stepwise regression (step()) to obtain the best model to estimate life expectancy. You will first need to make a new dataframe that excludes ...

5139 sym R (10897 sym/35 pcs) 4 img

Geog 6000 - Lab 2 - Inference


Exercise 1 The dataset on body temperatures includes a column coding male (1) and female (2) subjects. Use a \(t\)-test to look for differences in temperature between males and females. First let us look at the data. normtemp = read.csv("normtemp.csv") summary(normtemp) ## X temp sex weight ## Mi...

4519 sym 2 img

Atmos 6050 Lab 1


Group Partner: Jack Eskeland Equipment List: Power Supply (SN: IG-P05) CR1000X Datalogger (SN: IG-L06) Keypad (SN: E-14 4046) Experiment Date: January 18, 2024 Report Date: January 23, 2024 Lab Objective This lab was an introduction to using the CR1000X datalogger and keypad. Temperatures were measured using a thermocouple connected to a CR100...

4516 sym 5 img 1 tbl