Publications by schochastics
Stress based graph layouts
I academically grew up among graph drawers, that is, computer scientists and mathematicians interested in deriving two-dimensional depictions of graphs. One may despicably call it pixel science, yet a lot of hard theoretical work is put into producing pretty graph layouts. Although I am not at all an expert in this field, I have learned a thing o...
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Six Degrees of Zlatan Ibrahimovic
This post is based on the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon which itself is an adoption of the Erdős number in math. Readers familiar with the concepts can skip the following paragraph and go directly to the calculation of the Zlatan number. I have done this before on my old blog, but I felt like redoing the analysis. What is an Erdős or Bacon number...
3897 sym R (1404 sym/4 pcs) 6 img
Analyzing the Greatest Strikers in Football I: Getting Data
I do not always come up with new ideas for my blog, but rather get inspired by the great work of others. In this case, it was a reddit post by u/Cheapo_Sam, who charted world footballs greatest goal scorers in a marvelous way. According to the post, the data was gathered manually which I thought is too tedious (Ain’t nobody got time for that!)....
6117 sym R (8660 sym/16 pcs) 2 img
Analyzing the Greatest Strikers in Football II: Visualizing Data
This is the second part of Analyzing the Greatest Strikers in Football. In the first part, we created the function get_goals() which allows us to conveniently scrape detailed information of players career goals from In this part, we are going to explore the data. library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling library(lubridate) # fo...
3103 sym R (6631 sym/9 pcs) 26 img
Rdew Valley: Optimizing Farming with R
I recently picked up a copy of my favorite game Stardew Valley again. If you don’t know the game, I can highly recommend it! You inherit a pixel farm and you are in charge of everything. Crops, animals, fishing, mining and never forget to socialize. My plan was to shut off work for at least a few hours while playing. But at one point you inevit...
5080 sym R (10968 sym/9 pcs) 12 img
Beautiful Chaos: The Double Pendulum
This post is dedicated to the beautiful chaos created by double pendulums. I have seen a great variety of animated versions, implemented with different tool but never in R. Thanks to the amazing package gganimate, it is actually not that hard to produce them in R. library(tidyverse) library(gganimate) I am not going to attempt to explain the mat...
2448 sym R (2847 sym/8 pcs) 8 img
Network Centrality in R: An Introduction
This is the first post of a series on the concept of “network centrality” with applications in R and the package netrankr. There is already a rudimentary tutorial for the package, but I wanted to extend it to a broader tutorial for network centrality. The main focus of the blog series will be the applications in R and conceptual consideration...
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Network Centrality in R: Neighborhood Inclusion
This is the second post of a series on the concept of “network centrality” with applications in R and the package netrankr. The first part briefly introduced the concept itself, relevant R package, and some reoccurring issues for applications. This post will discuss some theoretical foundations and common properties of indices, specifically t...
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Network Centrality in R: New ways of measuring Centrality
This is the third post of a series on the concept of “network centrality” with applications in R and the package netrankr. The last part introduced the concept of neighborhood-inclusion and its implications for centrality. In this post, we extend the concept to a broader class of dominance relations by deconstructing indices into a series of ...
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An Rstudio Addin for Network Analysis and Visualization
The ggraph package provides a ggplot-like grammar for plotting graphs and as such you can produce very neat network visualizations. But as with ggplot, it takes a while to get used to the grammar. There are already a few amazing Rstudio Addins that assist you with ggplot (for example ggplotAssist and ggThemeAssist), but there has not been any equ...
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