Publications by Sébastien Rochette

{attachment} is on CRAN !


We are pleased to announce that our package {attachment} is now available on CRAN. The goal of attachment is to help to deal with package dependencies during package development. It also gives useful tools to install or list missing packages used inside Rscripts or Rmds. Deal with dependencies during package development If you ever had the follow...

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Rmd first: When development starts with documentation


Documentation matters ! Think about future you and others. Whatever is the aim of your script and analyses, you should think about documentation. The way I see it, R package structure is made for that. Let me try to convince you. At use’R 2019 in Toulouse, I did a presentation entitled: ‘The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with do...

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Rmd first: When development starts with documentation


Documentation matters ! Think about future you and others. Whatever is the aim of your script and analyses, you should think about documentation. The way I see it, R package structure is made for that. Let me try to convince you. At use’R 2019 in Toulouse, I did a presentation entitled: ‘The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with do...

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useR!2019 Quizz: Test your knowledge of base R and ThinkR


At useR!2019 in Toulouse, ThinkR opened a quizz allowing to win a pipe knight. About a hundred of respondents won this Playmobil. In this blog post, we review the questions and respondents answers. We’ll see that the crowd as almost always right, but they do not know who the real R oracle is… The quizz showed some difficulties and tricks of t...

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Dash with golem: The beginning


{golem} has been developed to help building big Shiny application to put in production. What if {golem} could be used to build another popular interactive web application, recently made available to R programmers: Dash ? Dash, a newcomer in interactive web applications A few days ago, Plotly announced Dash now available for R. After reading this ...

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Installation of R 4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and tips for spatial packages


You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Installation of R 4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and tips for spatial packages You plan to upgrade your server installation from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? It is also the best time to migrate to R 4.0 ! By the way, if you always found difficult to install R pac...

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Transform a folder as git project synchronized on Github or Gitlab


You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Transform a folder as git project synchronized on Github or Gitlab You have been working for years on your R scripts, and saved all versions as “script_v1.R”, “script_v2.R”, “script_v2_best-of-the-world.R”, … One day, you heard about git, a versio...

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Download Gitlab or Github issues and make a summary report of your commits


You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Download Gitlab or Github issues and make a summary report of your commits While working on our {gitdown} package, I wanted to show more information on the report generated by retrieving all issues of my Gitlab / Github repositories. Indeed, titles of issues co...

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Modify RStudio prompt to show current git branch


You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Modify RStudio prompt to show current git branch At the last Raddicts Paris Meetup, Romain Francois (to be followed on twitter here) made one strong impression, among others, with his RStudio console which indicates the active git branch and the RAM memory used...

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How to develop inside a Docker container to ease collaboration?


You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: How to develop inside a Docker container to ease collaboration? To ensure the reproducibility of your projects, you can develop in the Docker container that you will use to share your work. Indeed, what to do when your data analyses, publications, models are us...

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