Publications by Samuel C. Singer
Singer_Submission 4
Set-up and background The assignment is worth 100 points. There are 3 questions. You should have the following packages installed: library(tidyverse) library(fixest) In this problem set you will replicate some results from the paper “Do Workers Work More if Wages Are High? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment” (Fehr and Goette, AER 2007...
913 sym
Problem Set #3 - S. Singer
Set-up and background The assignment is worth 100 points. There are 3 questions. You should have the following packages installed: library(tidyverse) library(fixest) In this problem set you will replicate some results from the paper “Do Workers Work More if Wages Are High? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment” (Fehr and Goette, AER 2007...
2229 sym
Problem Set 3
Set-up and background The assignment is worth 100 points. There are 3 questions. You should have the following packages installed: library(tidyverse) library(fixest) In this problem set you will replicate some results from the paper “Do Workers Work More if Wages Are High? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment” (Fehr and Goette, AER 2007...
2229 sym
Problem Set #2 - Singer
Set-up and background The assignment is worth 100 points. There are 13 questions. You should have the following packages installed: library(tidyverse) library(patchwork) library(fixest) library(ggplot2) library(broom) library(fixest) In this problem set you will replicate some results from the paper “Do Workers Work More if Wages Are High? Evide...
7927 sym 2 img
Problem Set 2 - S.Singer
Set-up and background The assignment is worth 100 points. There are 13 questions. You should have the following packages installed: library(tidyverse) library(patchwork) library(fixest) library(ggplot2) library(broom) library(fixest) In this problem set you will replicate some results from the paper “Do Workers Work More if Wages Are High? Evide...
7928 sym 2 img
Behavioral Economics Assignment #1
1 Directions The problem set is worth 100 points. Enter your answers in the empty code chunks. Replace “# your code here” with your code. Make sure you run this chunk before attempting any of the problems: library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) 2 Basics 2.1 Calculate \(2+2\): 2+2 ## [1] 4 2.2 Calculate \(2*3\): 2*3 ## [1] 6 2.3 Calculate \(\fr...
2257 sym R (5899 sym/40 pcs) 7 img
Competitive Balance
Introduction The goal of any sports league is to generate as competitive and entertaining games as possible. After all, it is entertainment, and the more competitive games are, the more audience they will be able to attract. With this in mind, we have to think what the optimal distribution of team wins should be. Intuitively, we do not wa...
4348 sym 1 img 1 tbl
Project 4
Introduction After reading the paper “Pay and Performance in Major League Baseball”, written by Gerald W. Scully, I thought it may be interesting to extend the usage of Marginal Revenue Product (MRP) into football, to investigate the relationship between performance and player salary. As different positions’ performance can be measured differ...
5146 sym
Assignment 2
NFL Example Graphs Graph 1 Graph 2 ## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x' ## [1] 0 Regressions OLS Regression In the following regression, the dependent variable is wins and the independent variable is the Turnover Difference variable. Reg1 <- lm(data = merged_data, wins ~ Turnover_Difference) summary(Reg1) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = wi...
2713 sym 4 img
Final Project
Introduction Insect-borne diseases have plagued (pun not intended) humanity for millennials. While medicine has developed to a point where most outbreaks of even the most severe diseases can be contained, our ability to effectively forecast and stop outbreaks as they happen is crucial. Mosquito-carried illnesses are particul...
9126 sym 29 img 23 tbl