Publications by Samantha Bouwmeester
Marise Born, Hoogleraar Arbeids & Organisatie Psychologie EUR (voormalig leidinggevende) Diane Pecher, Hoogleraar Cognitive Psychology EUR Klaas Sijtsma, Hoogleraar Methoden en Technieken UVT (voormalig leidinggevende) Wendy Tieman, Universitair Docent Pedagogische wetenschappen EUR Peter Verkoeijen, Universitair Hoofd Docent Methoden en Tech...
4101 sym 13 img
First Since we have only 70 observations the psychometric analyses must be interpreted with great caution. Cronbach’s alpha I calculated Cronbach’s alpha. It turned out that Cronbach’s alpha is smaller than .8, indicating an insufficient reliability. psych::alpha(df,check.keys=TRUE)[[1]][1] ## raw_alpha ## 0.6456059 itemmean<-round(apply...
1062 sym R (4880 sym/6 pcs) 2 img
Cluster size CWTL
Sample size required for CRT The number of clusters required for the CRT giving a power of .8, .9 or .95 is inluenced by 1) the number of students in a cluster (n), the intra class correlation (icc) the effect size (Cohen’s d) and the explained variance by the covariates on cluster level (rho.Xj). Below plots are shown for n=20,30, icc=.09, icc...
695 sym R (251 sym/1 pcs)
First Since we have only 100 observations the psychometric analyses must be interpreted with caution. Cronbach’s alpha I calculated Cronbach’s alpha. It turned out that Cronbach’s alpha is smaller than .8, indicating an insufficient reliability. alpha(df,check.keys=TRUE)[[1]][1] ## raw_alpha ## 0.5771895 itemmean<-round(apply(df,2,mean,n...
1057 sym R (4900 sym/6 pcs) 2 img
Cluster size Uganda
Sample (Cluster) size required for CRT UGANDA The number of clusters required for the CRT giving a power of .8, .9 or .95 is inluenced by 1) the number of students in a cluster (n), the intra class correlation (icc) the effect size (Cohen’s d) and the explained variance by the covariates on cluster level (rho.Xj). Below plots are shown for n=20...
527 sym R (251 sym/1 pcs)
UG feasibility study
SCWS Internal consistency and scale quality The reliability coefficient lambda.2 is 0.747. This value indicates insufficient reliability. The scalability coefficient H is 0.198, (0.035). This value indicates a very weak scale, i.e. students can not be reliable ordered based on their total scores on the scws, Item-analyses The item scalability ...
13661 sym R (10162 sym/18 pcs) 16 img