Publications by Saeah Go
modern regression analysis hw4
Chapter 9, Exercise 3 Chapter 10, Exercise 1 Chapter 10, Exercise 6 Chapter 11, Exercise 1 Chapter 9, Exercise 3 Using the ozone data, fit a model with O3 as the response and temp, humidity and ibh as predictors. Use the Box–Cox method to determine the best transformation on the response. data(ozone, package = "faraway") lmod <- lm(O3 ~ temp ...
8337 sym R (38526 sym/92 pcs) 8 img
modern regression analysis hw3
Chapter 6, Exercise 1 Chapter 6, Exercise 4 Chapter 7, Exercise 3 Chapter 7, Exercise 8 Chapter 8, Exercise 1. Chapter 6, Exercise 1 Using the sat dataset, fit a model with the total SAT score as the response and expend, salary, ratio and takers as predictors. Perform regression diagnostics on this model to answer the following questions. Displa...
11273 sym R (16439 sym/96 pcs) 20 img
modern regression analysis midterm
Question (a) (b) (c) Question I have a data set (p3.txt) to study the density of some material. I observe 3 different properties from lab (Prop1, Prop2, Prop3) and I guess these three properties may affect the density. Please fit a linear model and answer the following questions. The data is about the property of glass. There are three properti...
12502 sym R (8192 sym/31 pcs) 12 img
modern regression analysis final
Instruction Load data Correlation Coefficient Model Selection Shrinkage Methods (Regularization) VIFs (Variance Inflation Factors) and Collinearity Diagnostics Finding Unusual Observations Conclusion Instruction Please analyze the attached data set. The data set has header that are numberings. The first column is the response and the remaining a...
12986 sym R (124198 sym/62 pcs) 7 img
Week 08 Exercises
Tuesday Lecture Thursday Lecture Tuesday Lecture Problem 1 Let’s use the got_chars data set in the repurrrsive package library(repurrrsive) ## Warning: package 'repurrrsive' was built under R version 4.0.5 class(got_chars) ## [1] "list" length(got_chars) ## [1] 30 str(got_chars[[1]]) ## List of 18 ## $ url : chr "https://www.anapiofi...
2062 sym R (9571 sym/30 pcs) 1 img
Week 02 Exercises
Problem Set 1 Exercise 1 What is the type of the following vectors? Explain why they have that type. c(1, NA+1L, "C") c(1L / 0, NA) c(1:3, 5) c(3L, NaN+1L) c(NA, TRUE) # your code here for problem set 1 exe 1 typeof(c(1, NA+1L, "C")) # because of "C", the type should be characters ## [1] "character" typeof(c(1L / 0, NA)) # 1L is integer. 1L/0...
778 sym R (3080 sym/19 pcs) 1 img
Week 04 Exercises
Tuesday Lecture Exercise 1 Your task is to play with the swiss data set built into R for 20 mins Use ?swiss to see what things mean in the dataset Load the data using data(swiss) data(swiss) str(swiss) ## 'data.frame': 47 obs. of 6 variables: ## $ Fertility : num 80.2 83.1 92.5 85.8 76.9 76.1 83.8 92.4 82.4 82.9 ... ## $ Agricu...
885 sym R (2369 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Project 3 - Covid-19 Cases Data Analysis
General Information and Load Data Part 1: Wrangling the COVID-19 time series data Part 2: Let’s use the data General Information and Load Data General Information I used block quote for my questions, observations, and longer comments before and after solving each question. Note that I summarized all the questions for not making codes long. ...
6497 sym R (11062 sym/13 pcs) 7 img
Week 01 Exercises
Set 1, Exercise 1 Write a set of conditional(s) that satisfies the following requirements: If x is greater than 3 and y is less than or equal to 3 then print “Hello world!” Otherwise if x is greater than 3 print “!dlrow olleH” If x is less than or equal to 3 then print “Something else …” Stop execution if x is odd and y is even and...
1410 sym R (1364 sym/7 pcs)
Week 03 Exercises
In-class Exercise Week 3 Saeah Go Tuesday Lecture: Permutation test for two group means Sleep vs Caffeine experiment In an experiment on memory (Mednicj et al, 2008), students were given lists of 24 words to memorize. After hearing the words they were assigned at random to different groups. One group of 12 students took a nap for 1.5 hours whil...
3260 sym R (950 sym/14 pcs) 2 img