Publications by Sadie Richardson (

PSYCH 251 replication of Zangger & Widmer (2020, Early Childhood Research Quarterly)


Introduction In Zangger and Widmer’s 2020 paper, they employ a choice experiment to investigate parental preferences for child care alternatives, especially focusing on how responsive these preferences are to variations in child care subsidy levels. The following paper will attempt to replicate the experiment in Zangger and Widmer (2020). See l...

5234 sym

PSYCH 251 problem set 2


In this assignment we’ll learn about dplyr and tidyr, two packages from the tidyverse that allow elegant and easily understandable data tidying and manipulation. We’ll do this by working through the steps of loading an actual dataset, tidying it up, and carrying out some basic analyses. The dataset we’re using comes from the OSF Reproducibl...

11598 sym R (77131 sym/54 pcs) 2 img

PSYCH 251 replication of Zangger & Widmer (2020, Early Childhood Research Quarterly)


Introduction In Zangger and Widmer’s 2020 paper, they employ a choice experiment to investigate parental preferences for child care alternatives, especially focusing on how responsive these preferences are to variations in child care subsidy levels. The following paper attempts to replicate the experiment in Zangger and Widmer (2020). See links...

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pset3 - group a


For this exercise, please try to reproduce the results from Study 1 of the associated paper (Joel, Teper, & MacDonald, 2014). The PDF of the paper is included in the same folder as this Rmd file. Methods summary: In study 1, 150 introductory psychology students were randomly assigned to a “real” or a “hypothetical” condition. In the real...

2821 sym R (1267 sym/7 pcs)

pest3 - group b


For this exercise, please try to reproduce the results from Experiment 2 of the associated paper (de la Fuente, Santiago, Roman, Dumitrache, & Casasanto, 2014). The PDF of the paper is included in the same folder as this Rmd file. Methods summary: Researchers tested the question of whether temporal focus differs between Moroccan and Spanish cult...

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This is problem set #4, in which we want you to integrate your knowledge of data wrangling with some basic simulation skills. It’s a short problem set to help consolidate your ggplot2 skills and then help you get your feet wet in testing statistical concepts through “making up data” rather than consulting a textbook or doing math. For ease ...

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