Publications by Bob Xiong

Project One - Titanic


Project One Titanic The project will use the dataset - titanic.csv, to explore the data with at least one data visualization and write a short essay to describe the source and topic of the data, any variables included, what the visualization represents, any interesting patterns or surprises that arise within the visualization, and anything that ...

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week 8 assignment item 2


DS Labs Datasets Load the required packages and dataset in “dslabs” Use the package DSLabs (Data Science Labs) There are a number of datasets in this package to use to practice creating visualizations # install.packages("dslabs") # these are data science labs library("dslabs") ## Warning: package 'dslabs' was built under R version 4.1.3 d...

5627 sym R (21897 sym/66 pcs) 8 img



Exact copy from the guild 4. Scraping a webpage using R Now, let’s get started with scraping the IMDb website for the 100 most popular feature films released in 2016. You can access them here. #Loading the rvest package library('rvest') ## Warning: package 'rvest' was built under R version 4.1.3 #Specifying the url for desired website to be s...

3770 sym R (13818 sym/50 pcs) 2 img



Load the required packages and dataset for this project 2 About Dataset - from What topic does the dataset cover? This dataset contains a cleaned version of this dataset from UCI machine learning repository on credit card approvals. Missing values have been filled a...

9215 sym R (37292 sym/149 pcs) 25 img



R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

593 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img



Load the required packages and dataset for this project 2 About Dataset - from What topic does the dataset cover? This dataset contains a cleaned version of this dataset from UCI machine learning repository on credit card approvals. Missing values have been filled a...

8940 sym R (33009 sym/133 pcs) 22 img



Load the required packages and dataset for this project 2 About Dataset - from What topic does the dataset cover? This dataset contains a cleaned version of this dataset from UCI machine learning repository on credit card approvals. Missing values have been filled a...

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Set various values needed # Set various values needed, including names of files and FIPS codes for New Hampshire and South Carolina nhdatafile <- "NHD2016.xlsx" nhdatafilecsv <- "NHD2016.csv" usshapefile <- "cb_2014_us_county_5m/cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp" nhfipscode <- "33" scdatafile <- "SCGOP2016.csv" scfipscode <- "45" Load the related l...

1033 sym R (31196 sym/85 pcs) 7 img

Bob project 2


Load the required packages and dataset for this project 2 About Dataset - from Key Indicators of Heart Disease 2020 annual CDC survey data of 400k adults related to their health status What topic does the dataset cover? According to the CDC, heart disease is o...

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