Publications by Russel Walters, Adi Wyner

WPA_PAC attendees


WPA People Analytics Conference (PAC) 2 through 8 Registration Data of High Career Level Registrants Other this time frame ‘Career Level’ was not asked as a self-report field during conference registration. Based on the free text ‘Job Title’ a mapping was created to a standard ‘Career Level’. In the 2022 Wharton Future of Work Confe...

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PLP WL360 Fall 2022 WEMBA


Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction Sample Measures Basic Trends Correlations between traits Change over time Self-other discrepancies Self-other correlations Self-other gaps Predicting performance Appendix About People Lab People Lab is a collaboration between Wharton People Analytics and the Anne and John McNulty ...

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Module 1.1 - Billy Beane Oakland A’s


This shows some of the data and codes used in Lecture 1.1, the Oakland A’s under Billy Beane. You can see how data was processed and how the plot were generated. 1st load data into R Read in the csv (comma-separated value) file, and assign it to ‘oakland’. oakland <- read_csv("Oakland_As_Seasons.csv") ## ## ── Column specification ─...

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Data Application Stolen Bases


Stolen Base Decisions & Strategy Task 1: by hand, 1 player, 3 SBA & outcomes ~by hand, for one player over three stolen base attempts, determine the change in expected value between state1 and state2. Over a variety of SBA base states, not just (1,0,0) to (0,1,0) TASK1a: read EV file read in the csv file that contains the expected value table f...

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