Publications by rstats on Bryan Shalloway's Blog
Aggregating Measures of Uncertainty
There are many situations where you want to aggregate values, however if those values are on different scales or are related to measures of uncertainty, it’s typically more complicated than simply taking a simple mean or sum. As an example, say your firm sells a variety of different products. Each product has a different price and contracts are n...
6549 sym
R Access to Twitter’s V2 API
The rtweet package is still the easiest way to GET and POST Twitter data from R. However its developers are currently working on adapting it to the new API. V2 comes with a variety of new features. The one I was interested in was being able to GET the users who liked a tweet. academictwitteR is probably the most established package that provides ...
2826 sym R (1543 sym/2 pcs)
Pulling Twitter Engagements Using the v2 API as Well as rtweet
This is a follow-up to a short post I wrote on R Access to Twitter’s v2 API. In this post I’ll walk through a few more examples of pulling data from twitter using a mix of Twitter’s v2 API as well as the {rtweet} package1. I’ll pull all Twitter users that I ([@brshallo]( have recently been engaged by or engag...
4652 sym R (11104 sym/12 pcs)
Converting Between Currencies Using priceR
In this post I’ll walk through an example of how to convert between currencies. A challenge is that the conversion rate is constantly changing. If you have historical data you’ll want the conversion to be based on what the exchange rate was at the time. Hence the fields you need when doing currency conversion are: Date of transaction Start c...
3219 sym R (5430 sym/5 pcs)
Network Visualizations of Code Collections (funspotr part 3)
Interactive network plots Julia Silge Blog David Robinson Tidy Tuesday R for Data Science Chapters My blog My gists In previous posts and threads I’ve alluded to the potential utility of visualizing the relationships between parsed functions/packages and files as a network plot. It can be helpful to review the relationship between your #rsta...
1509 sym R (336 sym/2 pcs)
Visualizing Matrix Transformations
I highly recommend the fantastic video series Essence of Linear Algebra by Grant Sanderson. In this post I’ll walk through how you can use gganimate and the tidyverse to (very loosely) recreate some of the visualizations shown in that series. Specifically those on matrix transformations and changing the basis vectors1. This post is an offshoot...
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Visualizing Matrix Transformations
I highly recommend the fantastic video series Essence of Linear Algebra by Grant Sanderson. In this post I’ll walk through how you can use gganimate and the tidyverse to (very loosely) recreate some of the visualizations shown in that series. Specifically those on matrix transformations and changing the basis vectors1. This post is an offshoot...
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animatrixr & Visualizing Matrix Transformations pt. 2
This post is a continuation on my post from last week on Visualizing Matrix Transformations with gganimate. Both posts are largely inspired by Grant Sanderson’s beautiful video series The Essence of Linear Algebra and wanting to continue messing around with Thomas Lin Peterson’s fantastic gganimate package in R. As with the last post, I’ll ...
9460 sym R (1787 sym/6 pcs) 10 img
animatrixr & Visualizing Matrix Transformations pt. 2
This post is a continuation on my post from last week on Visualizing Matrix Transformations with gganimate. Both posts are largely inspired by Grant Sanderson’s beautiful video series The Essence of Linear Algebra and wanting to continue messing around with Thomas Lin Peterson’s fantastic gganimate package in R. As with the last post, I’ll ...
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Riddler Solutions: Pedestrian Puzzles
Riddler express Riddler classic Appendix Time to center Transform grid, rotate first Transform city, pretty This post contains solutions to FiveThirtyEight’s two riddles released 2020-02-14, Riddler Express and Riddler Classic. I created a toy package animatrixr to help with some of the visualizations and computations for my solutions1. Riddl...
9495 sym R (3887 sym/14 pcs) 20 img 3 tbl