Publications by Rsquared Academy Blog - Explore Discover Learn
Binning Data with rbin
We are happy to introduce the rbin package, a set of tools for binning/discretization of data, designed keeping in mind beginner/intermediate R users. It comes with two RStudio addins for interactive binning. Installation # Install release version from CRAN install.packages("rbin") # Install development version from GitHub # install.packages("d...
2026 sym R (98270 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Visually explore Probability Distributions with vistributions
We are happy to introduce the vistributions package, a set of tools for visually exploring probability distributions. Installation # Install release version from CRAN install.packages("vistributions") # Install development version from GitHub # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("rsquaredacademy/vistributions") Shiny App vis...
6893 sym Python (1414 sym/36 pcs) 72 img
Shiny Apps for Interactive Data Analysis
We are excited and happy to share a set of shiny apps built for interactive data analysis and teaching at Rsquared Academy. The apps are part of our R packages and presently cover the following topics: Descriptive Statistics Probability Distributions Hypothesis Testing Linear Regression Logistic Regression RFM Analysis Data Visualization We wou...
1390 sym 2 img 1 tbl
Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in R
Introduction Are you trying to compare price of products across websites? Are you trying to monitor price changes every hour? Or planning to do some text mining or sentiment analysis on reviews of products or services? If yes, how would you do that? How do you get the details available on the website into a format in which you can analyse it? Ca...
14533 sym R (32407 sym/26 pcs) 56 img
A follow up note on our web scraping tutorial
We had published a web scraping tutorial a couple of days back and it had received a good response from the #rstats community. While we thank you for that, we made a mistake in choosing one of the case study as pointed out by @hrbrmstr in this tweet: Whomever runs “R Squared Academy” needs to _really_ learn more about web scraping. https://t....
1430 sym
Practical Introduction to Market Basket Analysis – Asociation Rules
Introduction Ever wondered why items are displayed in a particular way in retail/online stores. Why certain items are suggested to you based on what you have added to the cart? Blame it on market basket analysis or association rule mining. Resources Below are the links to all the resources related to this post: Slides Code & Data RStudio Cloud...
16800 sym R (26073 sym/24 pcs) 56 img
pkginfo: Tools for Retrieving R Package Information
Motivation There are several wonderful tools for retrieving information about R packages, some of which are listed below: cranlogs, dlstats and packageRank for R package download stats pkgsearch and packagefinder for searching CRAN R packages crandb provides API for programatically accessing meta-data cchecks for CRAN check results We have used...
3546 sym R (5654 sym/16 pcs) 8 img
Customer Segmentation using RFM Analysis
Introduction In a previous post, we had introduced our R package rfm but did not go into the conceptual details of RFM analysis. In this post, we will explore RFM in much more depth and work through a case study as well. RFM (Recency, Frequency & Monetary) analysis is a behavior based technique used to segment customers by examining their transac...
18683 sym R (3190 sym/15 pcs) 54 img 2 tbl
A Comprehensive Introduction to Working with Databases using R
Introduction In a previous post, we had briefly looked at connecting to databases from R and using dplyr for querying data. In this new expanded post, we will focus on the following: connect to & explore database read & write data use RStudio SQL script & knitr SQL engine query data using dplyr visualize data with dbplot modeling data with model...
24950 sym R (19322 sym/57 pcs) 36 img
A Comprehensive Introduction to Command Line for R Users
In this tutorial, you will be introduced to the command line. We have selected a set of commands we think will be useful in general to a wide range of audience. We have created a RStudio Cloud Project to ensure that all readers are using the same environment while going through the tutorial. Our goal was to ensure that after completing this tutor...
35456 sym Python (53252 sym/108 pcs) 32 img 38 tbl