Publications by rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Maintaining an R Package – Community Call Summary
In March we held a Community Call discussing the maintenance of R packages. This call included a starting presentation by Julia Silge followed by a discussion featuring panelists with a wide variety of backgrounds: Elin Waring, Erin Grand, Leonardo Collado-Torres and Scott Chamberlain. The rOpenSci Package Maintenance Community Call was my (Jana...
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Community Captioning of rOpenSci Community Calls
Webinars and community calls are a great way to gather many people to discuss a specific topic, without the logistic hurdles of in-person events. But whether online or in-person, to reach the broadest audience, all events should work towards greater accessibility. In particular, it is difficult for people who are deaf or hard of hearing to follow...
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CRAN Checks API News: Documentation, Notifications, and More
In October last year we wrote about the CRAN Checks API ( Since then there have been four new major items introduced: documentation, notifications, search, and a new version of the cchecks R package. First, an introduction to the API for those not familiar. CRAN Checks API The CRANS checks API was born because whilst bein...
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OSF: A Project Management Service Built for Research
osfr provides a (hopefully) convenient R interface to OSF (Open Science Framework,, a free service for managing research developed by the Center for Open Science (COS). osfr completed its rOpenSci peer-review earlier this year and has been available on CRAN since February. Throughout its development and since its release I’v...
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Developing dittodb
This post describes a few different aspects behind the scenes of the development of dittodb which recently went through the rOpenSci peer review process and was released to CRAN on 24 July 2020. This isn’t an introduction to the package itself (that’s available on dittodb’s site), but rather a look behind the scenes of the conceiving of the...
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2 Months in 2 Minutes – rOpenSci News, August 2020
rOpenSci HQ Join our Community Manager Stefanie Butland in a CarpentryCon @ Home fireside chat on Growing Inclusive, Computational Communities and Leaders. Live 90-min discussions Wed Aug 26 21h00 (2pm PDT) and Thu Aug 27 15h00 UTC (8am PDT). Other panelists over the two sessions are Abigail Cabunoc Mayes (Mozilla Foundation), Kate Hertweck (Fred...
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Scientific Name Parsing: rgnparser and namext
I’m starting to tackle a few hard packages (spplit and spenv) having to do with integrating disparate data sources. I’ll talk here about spplit. I haven’t worked on spplit in a few years; I thought I’d make another attempt with “fresh” eyes. There are many use cases I can imagine for spplit; I’ll highlight a few. First, one may want...
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The treedata.table Package
The data.table package enables high-performance extended functionality for data tables in R. treedata.table is a wrapper for data.table for phylogenetic analyses that matches a phylogeny to the data.table, and preserves matching during data.table operations. Using the data.table package greatly increases analysis reproducibility and the efficienc...
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Rectifying Hand-Drawn Marks on Maps With the mapscanner Package
mapscanner It is sometimes easy in the midst of the cutting-edge world of unique software development that is rOpenSci to forget that even though our software might be freely available from anywhere in the world, access to adequate hardware is often restricted. Restricted access to hardware is rarely acknowledged as a reason for differing outcome...
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Hacktober? Any Month is a Good Month to Contribute to rOpenSci
The title of this post refers to Hacktoberfest, a month-long event organized annually by Digital Ocean to encourage contributions to open source projects on GitHub. Unfortunately, this October, many maintainers are dealing with spam pull requests. So instead of issuing a general appeal to participate, we’re pointing you to our new Community Con...
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