Publications by Ron Chen
Coastal plain sands reptile analysis - by plot 2
## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## date, ...
6056 sym Python (28978 sym/63 pcs) 53 img 15 tbl
Coastal plain sands reptile analysis - by plot 2
## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## date, ...
5937 sym Python (28594 sym/63 pcs) 52 img 15 tbl
Inland Sands reptile analysis - by plot 2
## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## date, ...
4234 sym Python (25988 sym/95 pcs) 46 img 15 tbl
Loess reptiles data analysis - by plot
## Loading required package: readxl Loess covered areas in the Northern Negev Factors are landscape use (=habitat), time. habitats are natural loess, extensive bedouin agriculture, KKL plantings. Total 4 campaigns. 7 sites, total of 9 plots per each of 3 habitats. total 27 plots. Model gma, abundance and richness Richness done with rare species...
3259 sym Python (9470 sym/32 pcs) 27 img 12 tbl
Planted conifer forests reptile analysis - by plot
## Loading required package: readxl Forest conifer forest Factor is time. Total 5 campaigns. 3 sub-units, 5 sites in each sub-unit with 3 plots per site far from settlements. Model gma, abundance and richness Richness done with rare species. Abundance and mean abundance done without rare species. richness Explore data and plot mean-variance pl...
2504 sym 12 img
Desert-Med transition zone reptile analysis - by plot
## Loading required package: readxl Desert-Med transition zone Factors are proximity to settlements, time. Total 4 campaigns. 5 sites with 6 plots per site. Model gma, abundance and richness Richness done with rare species. Abundance and mean abundance done without rare species. richness Explore data and plot mean-variance plot. There is a str...
2737 sym Python (10501 sym/33 pcs) 24 img 10 tbl
Coastal plain sands reptile analysis - by plot
## Loading required package: readxl Coastal Sands Factors are proximity to settlements and infrastructure, time, dune status. Total 5 campaigns. 4 sites with 9 plots per site, except for the first campaign (2014) where there were 3 sites. Model gma, abundance and richness Richness done with rare species. Abundance and mean abundance done witho...
3661 sym Python (17199 sym/50 pcs) 46 img 15 tbl
Inland Sands reptile analysis - by plot
## Loading required package: readxl Inland Sands Beer Milka has Far and Near plots, both in shifting and semi-shifting dunes. Secher and Shunra East both have only far plots, in shifting and semi-shifting dunes. Model gma, abundance and richness Richness done with rare species. Abundance and mean abundance done without rare species. richness ...
2355 sym Python (14670 sym/45 pcs) 41 img 14 tbl
Inland Sands reptile analysis
## Loading required package: readxl Inland Sands Beer Milka has Far and Near plots, both in shifting and semi-shifting dunes. Secher and Shunra East both have only far plots, in shifting and semi-shifting dunes. Model gma, abundance and richness Richness done with rare species. Abundance and mean abundance done without rare species. richness ...
2152 sym Python (12704 sym/45 pcs) 45 img 6 tbl
emporal analysis of productivity in Desert - Mediterranean Transition Zone
Temporal analysis of productivity in the Desert - Mediterranean Transition Zone ecological unit using satellite images from the years 1984-2020 Diagnostic plots - cleveland dotplots Remove suspected outlier points with the following indices: 261: outlier in Slope_NDVI (high) 235, 264: outliers in Slope_Precipitation (high and low, respectively...
2687 sym 11 img 4 tbl