Publications by Rick Reneau
Notch Analysis ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ bs(novel_locations, knots = c(1, 26), degree = 1) * ## lockdown + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 7382 -14391.94 28829.87 5006...
88 sym R (33453 sym/21 pcs)
PA ~ RE Pre-COVID ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ roaming_entropy + time_of_day + precipi + mean_temp + ## distance + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: prelockdown_df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 4704 -9350.94 1...
310 sym R (65545 sym/29 pcs) 11 img
PA ~ RE * Lockdown ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ roaming_entropy * lockdown + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 7600 -14862.26 29762.52 4220(25554) 8.90e-03 6.9e+02 ## ## Random...
181 sym R (50486 sym/28 pcs) 11 img
PA ~ RE Pre-COVID ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ roaming_entropy + time_of_day + precipi + mean_temp + ## distance + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: prelockdown_df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 4944 -9805.14 ...
310 sym R (57635 sym/27 pcs) 11 img
## [1] "who diffrences equal to one:2829" ## [1] "who diffrences equal to zero:10395" ## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [ ## lmerModLmerTest] ## Formula: roaming_entropy ~ who_differences + (1 | subject) ## Data: df ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 33200 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min ...
5 sym R (8089 sym/7 pcs)
DTW ## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [ ## lmerModLmerTest] ## Formula: PA_avg ~ dissimilarity + dow + (1 | subject) ## Data: df ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 67692.5 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -3.5639 -0.5432 0.0341 0.5838 3.7588 ## ## R...
30 sym R (25562 sym/12 pcs) 14 img
PA ~ RE Pre-COVID ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ roaming_entropy + time_of_day + precipi + mean_temp + ## distance + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: prelockdown_df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 3641 -7125.25 ...
311 sym R (59620 sym/29 pcs) 13 img
PA ~ RE Pre-COVID ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ roaming_entropy + time_of_day + precipi + mean_temp + ## distance + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: prelockdown_df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 3463 -6917.43...
310 sym R (57826 sym/27 pcs) 11 img
PA ~ RE Pre-COVID ## Cumulative Link Mixed Model fitted with the Laplace approximation ## ## formula: PA_avg ~ roaming_entropy + time_of_day + precipi + mean_temp + ## distance + dow + (1 | subject) ## data: prelockdown_df ## ## link threshold nobs logLik AIC niter max.grad cond.H ## logit flexible 4896 -9693.48 ...
311 sym R (59473 sym/29 pcs) 13 img
## [1] "who diffrences equal to one:2661" ## [1] "who diffrences equal to zero:9971" ## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [ ## lmerModLmerTest] ## Formula: roaming_entropy ~ who_differences + (1 | subject) ## Data: df ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 31740.5 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min ...
7 sym R (4905 sym/6 pcs) 2 img