Publications by Richard Martin

it's not the journey


It’s not the journey, man… It’s the apprenticeship Richard Martin Introduction: An apprenticeship is training in a trade that involves a combination of on-the-job training and technical training in the classroom (aka seats). The NDP have big plans: “…committing $1.5 billion to build 26,000 non-market housing units each year.” “�...

2877 sym 10 img 1 tbl



Comparsion of PSSM Author Richard Martin Show the code #constants---------------------- letters <- "[:alpha:]" #functions--------------------------- apply_props <- function(tbbl, val){ tbbl|> mutate(count=prop*val) } #compare current and previous pssm in terms of occupation proportions. noc_mapping <- read_csv(here("data","noc_mapping.c...

481 sym



Forecasting Apprentice Completions Richard Martin Introduction The goal is to forecast apprentice completions in BC. We could use the historic completions and standard time series forecasting techniques, but… the road ahead might not look like the road behind Apprentice registrations are a leading indicator of apprentice completions. road s...

1905 sym 9 img 1 tbl



Labour Market Imbalance Author Richard Martin Show the code prop_international <- .2 #the proportion of international students that stay #functions my_dt <- function(tbbl) { DT::datatable(tbbl, filter = 'top', extensions = "Buttons", rownames = FALSE, options = list( columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-center", target...

2595 sym Python (5350 sym/3 pcs) 2 tbl

BC demo-graphics


BC demo-graphics CodeShow All CodeHide All CodeView Source This note investigates the aging of the BC population, focusing on impacts on the labour market and dependency ratios. Labour Market: A wave of retirements that is balanced with a wave of new entrants leaves the labour supply unchanged (i.e. employment counts), but may cause excessive ch...

2655 sym R (17772 sym/11 pcs)

supply vs demand by occupation


Relationship between post secondary graduates and job openings Author Richard Martin Code #constants---------------------- letters <- "[:alpha:]" #functions------------------------------ apply_props <- function(tbbl, val){ tbbl|> mutate(count=prop*val) } my_dt <- function(tbbl) { DT::datatable(tbbl, filter = 'top', extensions = ...

1762 sym

Relative risk of education type


Relative Risk associated with Education Author Richard Martin Show the code #constants------------ cut_off=.2 #functions--------------- my_dt <- function(tbbl, length) { DT::datatable(tbbl, extensions = "Buttons", rownames = FALSE, options = list( columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all")), pagi...

2242 sym



Introduction New registrations are a leading indicator for level one trades seats. The goal of this exercise is to produce a two year forecast for level one trades seats based on: an exponential smoothing forecast of the “at risk” population: new registrations where, at the time of registration, the individual had not yet completed level one. ...

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Relative risk of education type


Relative Risk associated with Education Author Richard Martin Show the code #constants------------ cut_off=.2 #functions--------------- my_dt <- function(tbbl, length) { DT::datatable(tbbl, extensions = "Buttons", rownames = FALSE, options = list( columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all")), pagi...

2242 sym Python (3624 sym/4 pcs)

Wages by highest attainment and field of study


Salary by Highest attainment and Field of Study Code salary_plot <- function(tbbl, Highest){ plt <- tbbl%>% ggplot(aes(x = weighted_mean, y = fct_reorder(CIP, weighted_mean), text= paste0("Field of Study: ", CIP, "\n Weighted average median salary = ", ...

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