Publications by R/exams

Welcome to R/exams


Welcome everybody, we are proud to introduce the brand new web page and blog This provides a central access point for the open-source software “exams” implemented in the R system for statistical computing. R/exams is a one-for-all exams generator using (potentially) dynamic exercises written in R/Markdown or R/LaTeX a...

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From Static to Numeric to Single-Choice Exercises in R/exams


Idea Our colleagues over at the economics department became interested in using R/exams for generating large-scale exams in their introductory economics courses. However, they face the challenge that so far they had been writing static exercises and modified them by hand if they wanted to reuse them in a different exam in another semester. To let...

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R/exams for Blended Learning in a Mathematics 101 Course


Overview of how R/exams is used to assist learning, feedback, and assessment in a large introductory mathematics course at Universität Innsbruck. Motivation Many statisticians regularly teach large lecture courses on statistics, probability, or mathematics for students from other fields such as business and economics, social sciences and psycho...

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Written R/exams around the World


How to internationalize exams2nops() by adding support for new natural languages in written R/exams (that can be automatically scanned and evaluated). Idea In addition to completely customizable PDF output, R/exams provides a standardized format called “NOPS” for written exams with multiple-choice (and/or single-choice) exercises that can be...

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Using R/exams for Short Exams during a Statistics Course


Experiences with using R/exams for multiple automated and randomized exams in an applied statistics course for environmental scientists at Universität Koblenz-Landau. Guest post by Ralf B. Schäfer (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences). Background In many study courses in Germany, exams are written directly after t...

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Dynamic Online Tests with Blackboard and R/exams


Step-by-step guide to generating, importing, and conducting online tests and quizzes generated by exams2blackboard() in R/exams. Online tests and quizzes conducted in learning management systems are a highly useful tool for students to practice course and materials and for teachers to monitor the progress students make while working on their exe...

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automaton: Interpretation of Automaton Diagrams (Using TikZ)


Exercise template for assessing the interpretation of an automaton diagram (drawn with TikZ) based on randomly generated input sequences. Name: automaton Type: mchoice Related: logic Description: An automaton diagram with four states A-D is drawn with TikZ and is to be interpreted, where A is always the initial state and one state is random...

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logic: Interpretation of Logic Gates (Using TikZ)


Exercise template for matching logic gate diagrams (drawn with TikZ) to the corresponding truth table. Name: logic Type: schoice Related: automaton Description: Gate diagrams for three logical operators (sampled from: and, or, xor, nand, nor) are drawn with TikZ and have to be matched to a truth table for another randomly drawn logical oper...

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CRAN Release of R/exams 2.3-1


New minor release of the R/exams package to CRAN, containing a wide range of smaller improvements and bug fixes. Notable new features include a dedicated OpenOLAT interface, and a convenience function facilitating the use of TikZ-based graphics. Version 2.3-1 of the one-for-all exams generator R/exams has been published on the Comprehensive R Ar...

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fruit: Image-Based Systems of Linear Equations (Numeric)


Exercise template for solving a system of three linear equations (numeric answer) with a problem description based on shuffled images. Name: fruit Type: num Related: fruit2 Description: A system of three linear equations has to be solved and the solution has to be entered into a fourth equation. However, the system is not defined through a ...

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