Publications by Renessance Planning



IPF QA/QC Suitability Inputs Land Use and Replica Tripmaking Productions Attractions Employment and Replica Tripmaking Productions Attractions Suitability Outputs Suitability and Productions and Attractions Ensure that our most suitable block groups are assigned higher levels of productions and attractions. Might be worth adding in the cro...

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Cluster Jobs Evaluation


This evaluation is quite simple the cluster job points were joined to the half-mile buffers around the BRT alignment Cluster Jobs Density Strong Traded Cluster jobs and Other Traded Clusters were the most dense in Fruitville Road - John Ringling Causeway. Local Cluster Jobs were the most Dense in US 41 Lee County Final Scoring route_name jo...

583 sym 1 img 1 tbl

Multimodal Accessibility Scoring


All walking evaluations are based on 15 minute walk sheds calculated using Mapbox and OSM. To ensure that long corridors or corridors with more stations are not overvalued all metrics are normalized to a per station measure. The initial summaries are presented below and the final scoring at the end. Cluster Jobs Walkable Strong Traded Cluster ...

3405 sym 6 img 2 tbl

Trip Table, Virgina Beach


Initial Summary The Replica trip table represents a typical weekday during Quarter 4 2023 within Virginia Beach, including all trips arriving and departing from block groups within the county limits. There are around 3.3 million trips on an average weekday, with an average length of 8.14 miles and average length of 20.46. A breakdown of trips b...

1870 sym 4 img 3 tbl

Crash Hot Spots


Outline This method is preformed on crashes that occur on a single roadway and uses the mile post to preform kernel density estimation (KDE) of crashes along that road way. The KDE curve provides a smoothed curve indicating mile posts with high crash frequency, finding the local maxima of this curve provides specific mile posts where clusters...

2023 sym 2 img 2 tbl

Model Differences


Model Comparisons Author Brian Froeb Initial Data Cleaning There is one major complication comparing the old scenario with the new one is the new zonal structure. While we can easily compare the overall changes, mapping the changes requires areal weighted interpolation (AWI). I have interpolated the old model data to the new TAZ structure. An...

1509 sym 3 tbl

Brunswick Capacity


Capacity Potential Author Brian Froeb Existing Yield Unsurprisingly most dwelling units are in the residential zoning districts accounting for 89.67% of units, or 3004 units. Most of these units are in R1 which allows for 1 single family home per 6000 feet of lot area, roughly 7 units per acre. Multifamily units are allowed at almost twice th...

3237 sym 4 tbl

LOS Tampa Bay


Total Traffic and Truck Traffic The overall traffic on links between 2010 and 2045 was 591089223.14853 and averaged 25526.3958865 per link, truck traffic totaled 22095589.83and averaged 954.205814 per link. Over all the truck traffic was significantly more positively skewed, indicating that truck traffic is significantly more concentrated than ov...

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EMMA, No Max Immpedance


Initial Summary For the sake of this analysis the TAZ representing Puerto Rico as been dropped as it was a significant outlier arising from zero minute travel times. The leaves 9775 TAZs in the analysis. Overall the data is positively skewed, with a skewness of 0.6641634. The data is also platykurtic, meaning there are fewer and less extreme outl...

1938 sym 2 img 2 tbl

EMMA, 30 Min Max Immpedance


Initial Summary For the sake of this analysis the TAZ representing Puerto Rico as been dropped as it was a significant outlier arising from zero minute travel times. The leaves 9775 TAZs in the analysis. Overall the data is positively skewed, with a skewness of 1.159665. The data is also leptokurtic, meaning there are more and more extreme outlie...

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