Publications by Renaissance Planning Group

MDC Potential Development Review


This document reviews the process implemented to develop a potential development dataset to be used as part of the MDC 2050 sub allocation process. This process merges three different data sources by identifying duplicates and unifying change units. The result is an estimate of change by MAZ by use type. The overall approach, including a summ...

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Oakland Park TOD Tool Draft Analytic Results


Define Station Location, Station Area, and Study Area A study area is defined, and buffers are created representing 1/2-mile and 1-mile. Census Variables Relevant Census variables are obtained from the Census API to calculate the necessary inputs for the TOD tool. These values are based on the 5-year ACS survey at the block group and tract le...

5513 sym 16 tbl

SPCC 2.0 Deliverable Data Review (Revised January 2023)


Map of SPCC 2.0 Revised Smoothed Segments Future Summary Tables of Data Deliverables in GeoDatabase Data Layers in GDB Deliverable ## [1] "smoothed_segments_future" "smoothed_segments_existing" ## [3] "refined_analytic_segments_future" "refined_analytic_segments_existing" ## [5] "detailed_analytic_lu_existing" "detail...

1066 sym 66 img 8 tbl

Richmond Edges Summary


This notebook processes Replica weekday network edge volumes and simplifies the dataset into a wide format shapefile, with columns that indicate volumes by mode and work/non-work purpose. These represent 24-hour volumes on typical weekday conditions during the modeled period of 2Q2021. setwd("C:/Users/z_rpg/EPR, PC/Richmond Connects - General") ...

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Cohort Component Test


Overview The purpose of this notebook is to re-create the cohort-component forecasting methodology used in the 2045 forecasting effort using a programmatic approach. The approach used in 2045 was implemented in Excel. Because of this, it is more difficult to audit the approach and implement some of the more complex aspects such as age-specific bi...

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MDC Emp Forecast Comparison


Overview This assessment, compiled as part of the MDC 2050 forecasting effort, compares various employment estimates and projections for Miami-Dade County. MDC/LRTP 2040 LRTP forecast 2045 Control Totals (developed as part of 2045 effort) Moody’s 2017 vintage (acquired as part of 2045 effort) Woods & Poole 2017 vintage (acquired as part o...

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SPCC On-System Debug Mapping



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MDC Building Permits First Look


Summary of Building Permit Data Initial Screening Filter to following criteria: - Type: “BLDG” - BPSTATUS: Exclude expired - APPTYPE: Only include 01 (ADD ATTACHED), 02 (ADD DETACHED), 07 (NEW), 10 (RELOCATE) - DESC1: Only include BUILDING (COUNTY) or GENERAL (COUNTY) - ESTVALUE” > $150,000 Removed values can be viewed in the tables below:...

1185 sym

Hillsborough Cluster Assessment


Cluster Assessment Overview This document reviews data obtained as part of the Hillsborough cluster assessment conducted November 2022. The assessment consists of two main components: Cluster identification (via Clustermapping API) Point data acquisition (via ESRI BAO). The result is assessment is the identification of 10 regionally significant...

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MDC 2050 RPG Baseline


RPG Baseline 2050 Forecast This forecast is based on the following input parameters: Survival Rates - CBO 2022 Fertility Rates - CBO 2022 Sex Ratio at Birth - Fixed at US Average Net Migration Rates - RER 2022 (Extrapolated to 2050) (Adjusted by age based on Census 2000-2010 migrant characteristics) The parameters are plotted and compared to be...

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